If there is one thing I would like to add to halo 4, it would be to forge. Forge is looking awesome but in case you don't have these, please consider these Ideas. First thing I would like, I would like the climate to be changeable, Because we want maps to be as original as they can be and so that each map can have it's own feeling and personality. Second thing I would like in forge, is less confusing gametype setups, Because I've been through a lot of maps and nothing frustrated me more then setting up invasion maps. I would just like it if they would take the time to make setting up maps less confusing for the halo community, so that you don't have to resort to looking it up on youtube.
That is the 2 most things I would like in forge. If you don't have these in forge, please take the time to reconsider. Because I don't think I'm the only one who wants these things in forge. Good luck on Halo 4 343! Make us proud!