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  1. Hello Halo 4 Fans, and(with hope) members of 343 Industries. In my honest opinion, Halo 4 looks as close to perfect as any game will ever be, however, there is just one thing that I think may have been missed. I am a rabid animal when it comes to Halo and it is safe to say that I have seen almost every video and read almost every review in my insatiable hunger for information regarding the aforementioned topic. Let's cut to the chase, In every Halo 4 video shown so far where the Support Upgrade "Dexterity" is showcased, the increased animation speed DOES NOT match the sound effects played. Just in case people think that I am making this up, I have included a couple of links to gameplay videos where "Dexterity" is used in game. CAUTION: Skipping in some of the linked videos is a little bit of a hit and miss, you may have to skip a few seconds before the time I have indicated. http://au.ign.com/vi...ctf-multiplayer Ok, so in this video, please skip to 2:54 to see the "glitch" in acton. The last click of the sound effect being played is clearly played well after the animation has stopped. This isn't a one off thing, skip just a little ahead the 3:02 and once again the poorly timed(most likely just the original) sound effect is out of synch with the modified animation. Other occurences of this "glitch" within this video are at 3:14, 3:29, 3:39, 3:47 and 4:41 respectively. http://au.ign.com/vi...yer-multiplayer The places to skip to in this video are 0:47, 3:55, 4:08, 4:14, 4:19 and 5:21. http://au.ign.com/vi...ion-multiplayer The "glitch" is also present in this video but only at 0:57. Halo is a hobby to me and I personally love how much detail goes into every aspect of the game, I would hate to see this "glitch" tarnish what I am sure will be the greatest Halo title yet. To conclude this post I would request that new or sound files are used in conjunction with the Dexterity Support Upgrade if implementation is possible at this stage in the game's development. But hey, this could all be just a slighly outdated build where small issues such as this have yet to be corrected, may we live in hope. Thanks for reading. ReteroX
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