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Super Havoc

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Everything posted by Super Havoc

  1. I watched this earlier on ign. The map looks to be extremely fun, and the game looks stunning. Just 18 more days to go...
  2. I like this idea a lot. We are some of the best fans you'll find in any media form and I think I'll donate. I hope they get permission to use various pieces of artwork from the game. I don't want only text and fan pictures.. Kickstarter btw, is just a great idea come to realization.
  3. Why aren't you better than me in Halo Reach? I need an answer to this.
  4. Here is a working link... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWP8AUb7QTk Like me. : )
  5. ARBy to me sounds like a good name in the box. I was close to picking ARBiter though.
  6. I'll be attempting this later this week. Have to get my rank up. My GT is Super Havoc for those who would care to add me.
  7. My Lord...EPIC isn't an apt enough word to describe how great this looks to be...O_O Thank you, 343i!
  8. Looks so damn good. Almost there guys.
  9. Yeah, a lot of people asked for this, Jeff. I think maybe in the next gen title of part 5, we could likely have it. But as for now, I think it would be wise for 343i to simply have Certain Affinity help to create more maps with different environments amd weather as DLC.
  10. Pretty good. I think a bit of the footage didn't necessarily fit the music, but overall you're pretty solid. A very laid back sort of beat. Now, "Like" my comment >_> *shameless plug*
  11. Amazing... Some people hate it, but I really, really like dubstep lol
  12. They look great. Johny 3:16, use your imagination some man. I can see plenty of ways to expand the play area just off this video.
  13. The maps look great. I couldn't be happier with them. And I don't know if 343i has thought of this already, but it's a win-win for both them and us as customers...DLC maps for Forge world. Say, four or five new ones in each pack for about 800 MSP.
  14. Welcome! And woe all ye who enter!
  15. Nice. Helping explain the Storm's reasoning and showing us that they got to Requiem 3 years before Chief even showed up. I hope we get a chance to fight him!
  16. Hello everyone! I've had the good fortune to meet a few of you good folks in the chat box as soon as I signed up, and to those who welcomed me, I just want to say thank you. I look forward to making friends here and possibly over Live in the future once we all get our hands on Halo 4. I've been deeply in love with the Haloverse since the moment I jumped on CE, (which btw, got me to give FPS a try in the first place) and I've been enjoying the series ever since. Even reading the first trilogy of books and animated works. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that the gameplay, the lore, the characters and the music are easily among the best in gaming, and that's what excites me about 343 and the Reclaimer Saga. They just seem to "Get it". You know? Just listening to their knowledge and love of Bungies creation, and checking out Neil Davidge's OST, and the many excellent artists they have on board makes me feel like Halo 4 will be legendary. (No pun intended) I hope I don't sound like a super nerd right now lol But anyway, I do remember the community over on Bungie's main site and how good it was, and I hope that all of us can make this community even better. Glad to be here.
  17. I've been in this Halo 4 daze these past few days. I don't think it'll go away until well after I've put in a few hundred hours of game-time.

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