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buffy the spartan buffalo

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Posts posted by buffy the spartan buffalo

  1. This, for instance, I play Skyrim for hours and hours after hitting level 81.


    I'm sure every true fan of Halo will play for the next couple years between now and Halo 5 even after hitting level 130.

    ya skyrrim is awsome! :)



    but the real reason games were made was to have fun so plz stop complaining about the ranks just play for fun or to be competitive and also team SWAt is still in..........

  2. I thought they were better in Halo 4 but in the end they all met the same fate. They all died, at least most.

    not unless you did the bros to the close achievment! then al least 6 were alive in the end.
  3. i do not think slayer is slow or not fun. i think it is very fun with all the new added things (ordinance drops, etc) but at sometimes i do think it is sometimes a standstill but then i counter this by going around and finding people, i also think you should do this if you find its a standstill. and i find a lot of map control like adrift has the hallways, abandon has the center base, and haven has lower middle. so i have to completley disagree with you but it is an opnion.

  4. You should've bought the Console Edition.

    Maybe 343 will put it available on the Marketplace...maybe....

    But that's not a great loss, in my opinion. It's horrible.

    yeah but i wouldnt trade my xbox for a cool new xbox just for a helmet with a unicorn on it. but also does anybody know if at level 130 do you unlock a variant of fotus? its been rumored........
  5. I just miss having a BR/AR combo. In Halo 3 we'd start with an AR and I'd immediately hunt down a BR to have both. I'd use the BR for mid-long range shooting and then if the battle got really close, I'd quickly switch to the AR and mow someone down. I realize that you can still have this combo after level 26 or something in H4 but it almost seems worthless because most battles are fought at long range now. I play a lot of BTB so that's probably part of the problem but I as much as I love making kills from long range, I don't like having a whole game played that way.


    Right now all the games I'm playing in BTB are just two teams shooting eachother from across the map. which is very annoying when playing an organized team because you can hit a guy 3-4 times from long range, but he ducks his head behind a base or rock and the his buddy comes in with full health and takes over the battle. That's great teamwork but it's boring. this is why I loved social/ranked playlist. sometimes I felt like being tactical like that and other times I just wanted a chaotic blood bath with no organziation. Lol

    if you want a BR/AR loadout use firepower that will allow you to do that.
  6. Yea the posting requirement is a very flexible one. No need to be intimidated by that. There are still many members that don't post once a day. As long as you're active on XBL, we overlook the forum activity in special circumstances.


    Also on another note: If you are submitting applications on our website (here) then you must make sure your gamertag you apply with is valid. If it's not then we will first warn you and allow you time to correct the error, but if you fail to correct the error, your application will be canceled and you will be required to reapply.

    thanks ill think it over cause im already in a clan.
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