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buffy the spartan buffalo

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Everything posted by buffy the spartan buffalo

  1. seems to me like there should be a day 1 patch.
  2. yay i will not have to spend one SP on the BR, but it dosent really matter!
  3. is there actually a medal named after **** chaney?
  4. its only an extra 2 matches just to let you know.
  5. i must agree that is way easier but i liked the halo reach menu system cause there was a lot more going on visually....but im warming up to it
  6. Bravo just did a video on the starting amor, loadouts, etc. and in the primary weapon section the shotgun didnt seem to be there.
  7. IGN say 9.8 out of 10 which is the highest rating ive ever seen on their site!
  8. you can see the newly annouced flying vehicles for a few seconds in the trailer so that could suggeest that one or more missions of Spartan Ops may be in space.
  9. i think 1v1 would be awsome if they could make it work.
  10. not in war games some spartans die alot! lol:)
  11. it was a hassle initially but now i have no problems with the chat or game volume and i have played two different games and intend to play skyrim on it. but anyway the only difference with halo reach and another game was with the other game the music was louder and i couldnt hear the footsteps that much but that was true with the game before i got the triggers so for me not alot of change between games.
  12. thanks for me it was a hassle to take out my xbox and plug it in and at first the in game sound and voice volume was so low it was almost unhearable but after a minute or two i did somethng with my xbox and they were fine. but also great headsets i reccomend them!
  13. but the lich is a troop carrier i hope we somehow get to to go inside and blow up the lich like with the (sorry forgot the name) scorpion like covenant carrier in halo 3
  14. yeah i have a big head too but i only find it slightly hurting my ears after taking them off.
  15. i have just gotten the halo 4 tritton/madcatz trigger headsets. i have playtested them for about 3 hours and i give them a 4/5 PROS: Great in game and party chat sound cool design sturdy and flexible comfortable ears great flexible and senstive mike CONS: It is a wired headset so the wires often tangle sort of confusing voice and chat control annoying to first set up so all in all it is a great starter mike that is two steps up from the 20 microft ones and for a good price.
  16. it seems now that halo 4 is so much longer away....

  17. yeah it feels like it infinity (huh get it get it ) but pretty much just focusing on working my butt off.
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