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buffy the spartan buffalo

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Everything posted by buffy the spartan buffalo

  1. sure my gamer tag is Smurphy555 but sometimes i might not be able to make it cause my schedules are sometimes sketchy
  2. i think it should just be like certain DLC playlists like in reach before they took them out so it would be like: swat crimson map pack playlist.
  3. i dont think fotus is that cool but hey we finally get the things we should get with the LE
  4. add me smurphy 555 ill be in your spartan ops team and wargames team
  5. i dont know why you could possibly get banned for being AFk it dosent make sense.
  6. pretty sure at the end that was (really small spoiler alert) didacts voice and hand.
  7. thanks for both of the pointless posts like this total waste of time of a post.
  8. ill do it but only matchmaking cuz im terrible at lengendary. im a good legend in reach and have pre ordered H4 my Gt is Smurphy555
  9. or hes AFK..... ive so far drank 5 mountain dews and 2 bags of doritos but heck no am i gonna get that much like "little jhonny tbag" and who the heck is he?!?!
  10. got the LE and getting the forest skin, BR artic skin, possibly a haven xbox dashboard theme and then one other undetermined skin or armor from preordering at gamestop
  11. wow you like moutain dew or halo a lot. i only have like 8 so far.....
  12. i like invasion and multi team and i think those are a ton of fun:/
  13. 2 best moments in halo reach matchmaking took on 3 guys and got all of them and i felt like Kampy and when at board walk last 10 seconds i got an across the map double kill with grenades.
  14. i also am mad about this and see the explanation on this weeks halo waypoint Bulletin but ive never got an LE so still getting it even if its only a steel book case, FUD streaming,two skins, and a few avatar items, and map pack access but i think its still worth it for 100 bucks.
  15. yeah it would be awsome in a cutscene but confusing in first person.
  16. what do you mean or do you mean nov.6? yeah but its 343 not bungie
  17. some people say the codes for the strider and scanner helmet will come with the LE.
  18. always loved playing with friends at my house on matchmaking and trash talking each other. does anybody know if this will return because my friends are going to come over to see if its any good because they think it will suck(not me) and the only thing they like is multiplayer so please respond!
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