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buffy the spartan buffalo

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Posts posted by buffy the spartan buffalo

  1. GT: PureNomad wouldn't mind a few gamers to run Legendary with seeing as theres a few cheevos for campaign co-op (I've Legendary'd every other HALO, so 4 shouldn't be much of a problem.


    Also interested in spartan ops team mates, wargame teams and forge customs at a later date.

    add me smurphy 555 ill be in your spartan ops team and wargames team
  2. http://halo.xbox.com is their official site. But anyway, it likely won't transfer since you don't earn credits anymore. And trust me, you are NEVER banned for no reason. Being AFK, boosting, etc will get you banned. See my post in 343i game help on how to avoid bans in Reach. You probably did something there to get banned.

    i dont know why you could possibly get banned for being AFk it dosent make sense.
  3. Nothing funny about this Wombat, it's a serious issue with serious repurcussions. Next time you are playing big team battle and one of your teammates is just standing there motionless just remember, it could be that they had to take the trash out and lives on the fifth floor or maybe he just fell asleep and left the game on-or maybe, just maybe it's poor lil Johnny Tbag. Laying on his back curled up like a dying insect while his teammates berate him through his headset for feeding the enemy free kills. With each beat his heart tightens as it is being squeezed by a gorilla, his teeth gritted together as he swallows his orange stained tongue and begins to convulse. Every couple of minutes he hears the familiar respawn countdown of the game as he prays for death.







    or hes AFK.....


    ive so far drank 5 mountain dews and 2 bags of doritos but heck no am i gonna get that much like "little jhonny tbag" and who the heck is he?!?!

  4. Only a handful more days until we find out.

    what do you mean or do you mean nov.6?


    I hated the Arena in Reach, for multiple reasons. But my main point is, I think any ranking system they incorporate should take into account wins and losses, and that's basically it. I hate rank systems that take kills into account. Especially when done like Reach.


    Thing is, Bungie claimed the system would weigh deaths over kills. But it didn't.


    I hate Arena because it encouraged you to get kills at all costs, including that of your teammates, and even losing the game.

    Going 20-20 was preferable to 10-5.


    In H4, I want to see a system LIKE Halo 3's, but perhaps different. I will be surprised if there is no actual rank system. I mean, Reach had Arena.

    yeah but its 343 not bungie
  5. it just saddens me that 343i/M$ would pull such a bait and switch...not too impressed with the marketing so far

    yeah but hey at least we get 50 spartan ops missions for free.

    I see the point about the armor, but the rest of it is fairly...wrong

    The Recruit armor WAS said to be exclusive, but it isn't. Okay, one lie. The rest? Well, they never claimed you get the same war games map pass as later buyers, so that argument is invalid. They never advertised the Strider and Scanner helmets with the LE so it makes sense. Then you come to the FUD argument. Well, sure, it's streamed, but when did they claim it wasn't? I see it's upsetting, but all this is is information we didn't get until now. Only one lie, and some clarification. Only one lie. So, you have me wondering where all this plural "lies" comes from.


    LE is still worth it, but the Console seems like it was the better buy. Especially since my console is gone. >:]

    some people say the codes for the strider and scanner helmet will come with the LE.

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