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Man of The PeopIe

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Everything posted by Man of The PeopIe

  1. Apparently you can't use this forum to discuss things, they look for reasons to ban people for opening a topic that may be against 343i And your right, your skills to go undected with a sniper rifle or any other long range weapons and kill enemies from afar will be compromised, you won't even be able to kill with the battle riffle or a magnum from a distance without the other team knowing where you are, and killcam is another characteristic of the "Call of Duty Treatment" 343i is giving Halo A lot of people do share your views, in fact the majority of the Halo community does, this forum is the 343i community forums and they tend to blindly follow 343i on this forum ( it's not even 343i actual forum) What's happening to Halo has happened to most other 1st person shooter titles, they take on the ideas of Call of Duty a.k.a the "Call of Duty Treatment", and it's sad that developers use the "Call of Duty Treatment" on their titles, but they do to make a quick buck. Halo was one of the last remaining titles not falling into that trap, but under new management, 343i, even Halo has been given the "Call of Duty Treatment"
  2. These companies so called "helping" of 343i are giving Halo the "Call of Duty Treatment", ( lol, they tried to silence me), and last I heard swearing isn't allowed on the forums, even though this is a forum to discuss a rated M video game series...
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