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XGN Shadow 7

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Everything posted by XGN Shadow 7

  1. hey man I would like to be an allie of you clan just message me when you can thanks
  2. So i am looking for halo 4 clans to have a partnership with. it will help out your clan and my clan. how so? well look at it this way. if you have an allience then that means you have a conection with that group or community with other members. now if your a clan on clan battles and/or matches then that means you will have then whenever you want also if you have more then one clan your conected with then you have have clan battles with diffrent types of clans...Now I have a website for my clan and your clans name will be posted on it so your name will get out. so come on what is there to lose? you gane members by people looking at my site and you get to constently have clan battles. to me that sounds fun... i can't wait for all you clan learders and creators to message me your clan name and for you to tell me you want to have an allience. Thanks.
  3. hey man I was wondering if you would like to make an alliance with my clan? message me back whenever and I will get back to you as soon as so possible. thanks again man can't wait to hear from you.
  4. so everyone on here that is a clan leader message me I want to have an aliance with all the clans as posable. the reason is because it will make a more better play with everyone. like clan battles ( more then just competitive ) games nights, how other clan's work, matchmaking, ternaments ( for microsoftpoints ) just stuff like that so message me on here and I will write back to you guys as soon as possible. thanks again guys.
  5. Don't worry my clan does all of that and more everyother mouth we give out MP(microsoft points) and since our clan is a little smaller you will be getting MP check out the site and see what you wanna do http://brotherhoodofarmshalo4clan.weebly.com/
  6. you think my clan can have a partnership with your community?
  7. all I need to show you is this enlist if you want to join ^.^ http://brotherhoodofarmshalo4clan.weebly.com/index.html
  8. looking for some good team names something dark like....shadow or mist or death I don't know. give me some good team names ^.^
  9. I need a team for the all new up coming game ( Halo 4 ) I need a dedicated team one willing to practice hard and to learn everything there is to know about halo 4 I don't care about K/D but I do want you to try your best. we ( the team ) will grow as a family and may just become MLG famous, but that means we have to focus. Also I am looking for a machinima crew....it's only me for right now so that means I need everyone from actors to a director ect. now remember the videos will be shown on youtube ( or if you want we can make our own website ) now you can reach me on ( my Gamer Tag ) KSI Abide 7 < no I am not in KSI > I can't wait to hear from all the people and to spread the word around I would appreciate it - Thanks Also post or coment anyone you think may be intersted thanks again
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