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Everything posted by MajorLeagueTroller

  1. So which gun will everyone be using out of the starting automatics. I think i might be rolling with the SR or mabye the suppressor but it looks kinda weak.
  2. Sure dude just add me my GT is over to the left. Me and a couple friennds are going to play all night and day on realease ur welcome to join us if you want !
  3. Yea i like it how it is now. I dont think that we need to have it mimic our movements. What if i just walked around a corner and need to throw one out, I dont want my hologram to start running into the wall like a dummy. They do enough of that now lol. If you use it right, even in reach, you can trick ppl pretty easy just wait for someone to start running up to you then send it out around the corner. They start to go for it then you get the jump on them and 95% of the time unless they are rly good i get them. With AA its all about how you play and they all have their uses. Please leave it how it is its good enough.
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