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Everything posted by King_Nekketsu

  1. Nemesis mod gives you a waypoint that only lasts for about 4~5 seconds. Don't bother with it.
  2. Not anymore. That feature is now available to purchasers of the standard version as long as they play before Nov. 20th.
  3. From what clips I've heard, this soundtrack is quite good, but it still feels... lacking, I guess you could say. It just doesn't quite feel like a Halo soundtrack.. That's not to say I don't like, and I'm certain it will grow on me over time, it's just that it feels so different than its predecessors.
  4. Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone. It does actually. King is my last name, and Nekketsu is Japanese for "Hot blooded" which I picked up in Okinawa, after a getting a bit riled up after a night of drinking.
  5. Greetings everyone, King Nekketsu here. Huge fan of all the Halo games and the lore, so coming here seemed to be an inevitability. In addition to Halo, I enjoy all things giant robot (anime, games, toys), and have spent a few years in Japan, so I have a few tales to tell to anyone interested. Soo... yeah. Nice to (eventually) meet everyone, and I hope to get along with all of you.
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