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Profile Information

  • Location
    Asheboro, NC
  • Interests
    Magic the gathering, good racing games.. tdu was my favorite.. and of course halo.. 4 looks amazing, and the changes 343 has made are just what i think the game really needed

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  • Gamertag

MeatWood™'s Achievements

Brute Chieftain

Brute Chieftain (6/19)



  1. I trid adding your gamertag halos1518.. but it didnt exist.. send me a friends request at "MeatWood". im very interested in getting both of your early access codes
  2. -Have- 400 double xp matches -Want- Fotus "ingame" armor, or Early specializations code
  3. Last year mw3 was 25$.. guess they wised up.. i cant find BO2 gor 25$ this year =p
  4. You need to wait until the next specializations come out.. sometime before nov 30th 2012.. im also stuck at SR70..
  5. anyways i only have 400 matches left now. traded 117 for the raptor suit, and the locus helmet
  6. Derp now being rude, but what are some things that you do like about Halo 4. do you think some things were done really well?
  7. Weather you want them or not, someone else will. i traded 280 a week ago for 1600 microsoft points (not on this site).
  8. Since i looked at the bags and took the codes.. its 0$ spent. and since im not allowed to ask for microsoft points.. against site policy.. im asking for the fotus.. and yes 200 is the max for 1 account.. but if people have friends.. which im betting they might.. they could trade, or gift them 200 as well..
  9. Hiya! I'm am willing to trade my extra double xp. I'll take the Fotus "in game" armor code. Send me a message on my gamertag.. "MeatWood". Thank you
  10. i always chat with friends in party chat. almost never do i talk to randos in the game
  11. Hiya =) i have 286 double xp matches. i would use em.. but ive already added 200 to my account.. and cant add anymore *sad face*.. Ill take armor codes (like the fotus, and Raptor). Or message my gamertag "MeatWood", and i'll tell you what else i'll take. (Not being weird just can't mention it here.. not allowed)
  12. Theyre punishing us for wanting to play alot. i hit the cap every day. it resets at 12am. then again at 5am the same day(idk why) me and my friends tested it out. seems to be around 75k exp cap between 12am ~ 5am. and 50k exp cap after that
  13. Trying to trade my 199 double xp matches for the fotus armor, or "other stuff". message my Gamertag "MeatWood"
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