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Everything posted by MeatWood™

  1. at least when the next kingdom hearts game is made. there will b star wars in it this time 0.o yes!
  2. Yea, there is hope. than goodness this happend.. CoD is gonna be beat by halo 4 =)
  3. that is so awesome! i never knew it was possible
  4. Have an extra 280 double xp matches that i am willing to trade. message me your offers on here, or to my gamertag (MeatWood)

  5. I'm already on your list. K/d 1.71. and i'm always on. i have 200 double xp matches so ill be ranking up fast. im a team player, and also a run n' gun type person too.
  6. MeatWood™


    Hi, I also love sonic. i playd a game called Phantasy Star Universe. it was an MMO, anyways my name in it was JoJo the Hedgehog =p. i also really like halo games. seems like the halo brand keeps making its games better, graphicaly and gameplay wise. which is why i enjoy Halo over CoD.
  7. I can't blieve people couldnt wait. i mean really. 343 goes through all this hard work and this happens..
  8. Need some decent people that want to play Halo 4 with me when it comes out. let me know and ill add you

    1. EliteSniper


      I want friends to play too. My GT is the same as my name. :)

    2. Quantum


      Try adding QU4N7UM

  9. Idc what game some of the changes came from.. halo 4 looks amazing! and i for one cannot wait to stand in line midnight and race, safely of course, home to play it =)
  10. Awesome. now i have a reason to buy mountain dew..
  11. Seems good. i dont mind mech type vehicles at all
  12. MeatWood™


    My life as an umemployed father
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