Better gun sounds with echo, sound changes when shooting inside.
I like the Echo idea but the rest is just a opinion on what is better. Awe inspiring maps
What counts as this ? What do you mean by Awe ? Advanced Map creator - This could be unlocked in the DLC pass so 343 would have to worry about it competing with DLC sales. Full PC map modding.
#INB4DATWINREAPERPOST : Anyway I don't think full pc map scale modding would be possible and even if it could selling it for dlc is just plain evil it should be given to you when you buy the game. Because that is what kills the games industry. Bigger Spartans < What is the point of this ? Do away with the Red vs Blue in multiplayer < I don't seem much point in getting Rid of it 343I would only replace it with Orange vs Green or something.
Point is your points are very vague, could you expand on them you have me interested.