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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. ? Okay on a interesting note Mark Zukerberg < I hope I posted that name right Founder of facebook went to Sony and asked for a demo of their VR.... Week later he buys Oculus < Sounds Fishy... no ?
  2. Point is : Don't ever believe Bnus in this game take everything he said with less than a grain of salt.
  3. The monitor from Halo 2 ? ( I forgot the name )
  4. I am starting the RP this Sunday. GMT time that is. EDIT And if you are still wondering yes you can still join once it starts at any time. Remember this takes place in a Alternate NV universe where the Courier actually died at the graveyard. ( The game will change a lot though not sure how yet ) EDIT 2 I am adding a backpack to my clothing section ( It makes sense for a wastelander to carry a backpack )
  5. Reminder : Top 15 awards for April have not been handed out as of current.
  6. BZ no George original did decide for Han to say I"I love you" But Harrison ford along with the Team did not agree and they got it changed to "I know" go look it up. SW is almost always better when George is not involved But I am glad that episode 7 is a collaboration and George is in another galaxy far far away from this movie.
  7. Bacon : Me and Ledgend are looking into DLCs for this, you say you have a idea so PM me it. We are also looking into your ideas about balancing. Germini I have decided to accept you if you start with generic weapons and what are Generic weapons you ask ? Weapons with no name like a Hunting rifle or a service rifle or a caravan shotgun but what if you want a unique weapon ? A unique weapon for a example the "All American" then you must role play surviving the hellhole that is Vault 34, beating the radiation, ghouls and maze to get it. < Added to rules )
  8. "Also contrary to popular belief the prequels were visually stunning for their respective times" Yes the effect used the prequels were very good ( although I think used wayyyyyy to much ) And the ideas of the prequel movies were good but that was it. The Episode 1 , 2 and 3 novels are much better than the films in that regard because the give reasons to stuff that made no sense in the films and make terrible or unlikeable characters good. For example in ROTS Anakin was very unlikeable but in the novel his is more likeable and not only that it gives reasons why he is like up and it builds up to it as you see Palpatine slowly manipulating Anakin unlike the films, in the films Anakin seemed good at one moment and then a second later turns into a sith lord and storms the Jedi temple but as said above in the novel it builds up and the build up of the dark side in Anakin from the very start is not only makes sense but seems real. Sorry to rant off but my point was.... The prequels were mostly George Lucas work he came up with the ideas and put them in.... While Episodes 4 5 and parts of 6 were a collaboration unlike George going more or less solo in the prequels the originals were made by a team not a single person... For example.... In episode 5 ( Arguably the best film and the film that George Lucas had the least to do with ) George planned right before Han solo was frozen in Cloud city he was supposed so say I love you. But the Team George worked with did not approve and so it was changed to. "I know" < Fits more with Hans character While writing episode 2 Hayden asked George if he could make Anakin less whiney and more likeable but George refused and guess what Anakin in episode 2 was very unlikeable. Another rant off but the point is or what I ma trying to make it that whenever George Lucas works on SW most of the time it is for the worst. For example episode 5 was a amazing film and many fans say episode 5 is the best SW film and episode 5 was the film George did the least in.
  9. BZ I made my point wrong.... What Is now know as SW Episode 4 and 5 was a collaboration George has multiple people working on it and giving their thoughts and he put their thoughts into the movie but in episode 6 power hungry do it himself George started to come in and so Ewoks were born. 1 , 2 and 3 was Georges work solely not like 4 and 5 and bits of 6 were a collaboration.
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