Titanfall hits the ten million milestone mark! In 2014, newly formed developer Respawn Entertainment released their very first game: a multiplayer first person shooter named Titanfall. Now Respawn Entertainment have revealed that with combined sales from the Pc and the Xbox One, the game has hit the 10 million milestone mark! Writing on Twitter, Respawn boss Vince Zampella announced the figure stating. "Celebrating 10 million! Thanks to everyone; we love you all!" Though he did not specify whether the figure represents copies sold or total number of players. On a side note: Titanfall has also been confirmed to have a sequel in the works, which is likely to release before spring 2017. Zampella has also announced that the currently unnamed Titanfall 2 will be released across current generation platforms. Meaning its coming to the Playstation 4 as well. Thanks for reading everyone! (It's been a slow news week) Tasty sauce: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/titanfall-hits-10-million-milestone/1100-6431124/ Moar tasty sauce: http://tgm123.com/wp-content/themes/shopperpress/thumbs/hunts-tomato-sauce-29oz.jpg