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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. Meh a bullet to the head don't stop me. Good chapter Fishey. Anyway now for the bad : It seems like you are killing for Characters left and right Dumby died in the second chapter and now Destroyer in the next and when they did it is a few words and that is about it. Point is characters just seem to be getting killed off way to fast.
  2. Title sais all about this thread that any and all must know the last person to post wins for example. Caboose the Ace : *Posts something* Bnus *2 hours later posts something* No one responds after 24 hours .... Bnus wins. So then lets the games begin ! ( I am winning right now btw ) EDIT Just for P34nut : Credit goes to Luke :
  3. Wolf that is hardly the case... If it was that I would be happy but it was not..... The Campaign was fine and I didn't mind the terminals one bit but the muilplayer was a huge let down ! It was Reach multiplayer with Halo CE maps in the Reach engine ! It was a wasted chance of fun and laziness on 343Is end I wanted the original CE multiplayer. That is why I hope Halo 3 and Halo 2 annivery is just the same game with updated graphics nothing more nothing less.
  4. I would just like to see how many of you are going to get it ? Me personally.... I am not, as crazy as it sounds I am only getting one game this year ( Besides Infamous second son ) It is the Elder scrolls online for the PS4 ! now for the craziest bit it is the Imperial edition ! Why ? Because after playing RPGS for so long I cannot live without them and so ESO is a MMORPG when it comes down to it.
  5. I am not hyped from halo 5 one bit... But then I have no plans on getting XB1 so that may be the reason. But when I was planning on getting a XB1 I was not hyped still.... Why was that ?! How could you not be hyped ?! Because I was hyped to the max for Halo 4 but when Halo 4 came out.... It was a sore let-down so I never get hyped up for games like that ever again and I suggest any and all do the same the less you are hyped the better the game is because you are expecting less.
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