Herro and welcome to the latest news smashup! Article one: More bad news from Konami As if this trend isn't getting old at this point, more bad news has come out from Konami. According to a French gaming website called Gameblog, which Euro Gamer verified, Konami has unofficially ceased making anymore triple-A games apart from Pro Evolution soccer. This is also backed up by Rika Muranaka. Rika is a composer at Konami and recently tweeted. "Yes, its pretty sad now. I cant write any music to any of the AAA games. Well I need to find another AAA company" Not only that but the Konami's president has stated Konami will pursue mobile games aggressively. This is in direct contrast to an earlier statement by Konami when the company announced they were conducting auditions for new staff for the next Metal Gear game after the Phantom Pain. Konami has also said in the past they are hoping to produce content for all platforms, both mobile and console. This new news comes at a time when recently Julien Merceron, who is the worldwide technology director in charge of overseeing the creation of the Fox Engine, left Konami. Though nothing official has been said by Konami, so far it looks like Metal Gear Solid V could be Konami's last triple-A game outside of Pro Evolution Soccer. Article two: Destiny: The Taken King breaks Playstation records. it appears the latest Destiny expansion the Taken King is selling hotter than hot cakes, if that's even possible. Activision recently announced despite its 40$ price tag on Playstation, the Taken King has broken the records for the most download title on launch day. ( Although they didn't give precise numbers ) In addition the game as set new records for both total number of players and peak online simultaneous users on launch day. This even beats the original Destiny day one launch! Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg has this to say on the matter. "It's safe to say the Destiny franchise continues to gain momentum" Article three: The latest Vault-Tec survival video is out! To survive in the wasteland you must be strong, but you also must be perceptive. The latest edtion of the Vault-Tec survival series on how to survive the world of Fallout 4 is out now.
Thanks for reading everyone! Article one: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/konami-ceases-triple-a-console-game-development-re/1100-6430690/ Article two: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/destiny-the-taken-king-breaks-playstation-download/1100-6430660/