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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. Now I think that from the terminals in Halo 3 that medicament Bias is on the Ark so that would be a reason for chief to go back Bias was a super advanced AI.
  2. Ok I am going to be the first to say this ....... Don kill me please for doing this ..... I am no longer looking forward to Destiny.
  3. I tried to decoded it with a higher power the force ( binary translator ) and look at this ! (This cannot be decoded*)
  4. Awesome finally making non gold visors allowed was one of the best things you ever did Spartan also Pbrabbit and astroboy 261 welcome to the club.
  5. From what is looks like my guess would be chief is most likely on the Ruins of the Ark itself after its destruction it would make perfect sense within the Halo lore for chief to go there to find some way to get cortana back.
  6. Source: Joystiq Recently on a Playstation blog post it has been confirmed that PS plus shall not be required to play Elder scrolls online and so to some it is a huge relief but despite all efforts Microsoft still refuse to not allow you to play gold to play the game but of course it may change so there is hope. The Elder scrolls online is a MMO and so costs 15 pounds / dollars a month to play but new content is expected every few weeks and it is estimated to take 150 hours to do everything in one faction area so without any new stuff at launch you should have 500 plus hours of content already Also to add there may be a bundle where you pay 60 pounds for example for a years worth of membership and it may be free to play or the cost may come down to boot. EDIT Can a nice friendly Mod fix the image ?
  7. Now is the time to act as the truth is revealed Rebel we must so die fighting we shall not stand for this deception !
  8. Do playing games make you a psychopath cold blooded killer ? No they do not and even if they do the stuff you can see on TV is 100 times worst so if anything TV is the problem and anyone who does play games and becomes a psychopath was already in a terrible mental state to begin with.
  9. The master plan for 2014 is finally complete.

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Too bad I don't have a master's degree yet.

  10. Could I have a .......... my idea for my ECA guy is that he is special ops based in "The zone" trying to take down the GLA.
  11. I have a image of what really happened !!!!!!!!!!! http://www.google.com/imgres?biw=1366&bih=673&tbm=isch&tbnid=p8K-657nOEi-hM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fradelaw.com%2Fblog%2F2011%2F07%2Freceive-a-bribe-pay-with-your-life%2F&docid=TjVbO5bAJnakuM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fradelaw.com%2Fblog%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F07%2Fbribe.jpg&w=760&h=427&ei=agzoUub8MIG57Aa9rIHADg&zoom=1&ved=0CGkQhBwwAA&iact=rc&dur=235&page=1&start=0&ndsp=10 VF paid RSR to get spyro to change the rules and take out opponents so VF his personal favourite can win !!!!!!! Ah tis make sense now beware of the staff members if you join them you lose your very soul !!!!!!!!
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