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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. "That Wizard came from the moon" dialogue line still not making an appearance in the game, with Nolan North being the VA for Ghost. I totally agree with you Azaxx that is unacceptable by Bungie not to do that! In actuality, with the Light levelling system being scrapped I may come back to Destiny after I have finished Mgs V. The Light system was my biggest problem in the game because it more or less stonewalled progress to a crawl. Now that its back however.... I will probably end up coming back to the game, finally.
  2. I checked this topic right before I headed out to Spain and one thought popped into my head.... Should I have been more specific? I was wondering if some guys would go overboard but apart from perhaps Yoshi's.... It turned out alright! Now for the answer..... *Drumroll* A Chopper of some kind....
  3. Isn't Halo Wars 2 coming out for Pc? Sure, it sucks Halo Online is for Russia but Halo Wars 2 must surely soften the blow in this regard?
  4. The game looked cool I guess but it didn't really stand out to me. It just gave me the feeling of.... "Just another game" it didn't really amaze me. Not like it was bad, it just looked.... average. To be honest it just gave me a realistic Far cry vibe. Or at least more realistic, and that is not that hard to do..... Totally subscribing to this news article though.
  5. I'm sure I survived, I'm just in a coma or something....
  6. ^ *Grumbles* I will keep a look out for a cheap camera....
  7. Herro one and all and now for a surprise that might just give you all a heart attack, especially Drizzy. I'M LEAVING! Heh, but don't worry its not for too long. Its only two weeks, two weeks at a place with no internet connection! I'm actually going to Spain for a holiday if your interesting in where I'm going.... So anyway that's all I have to say, until August 23rd guys..... Ciao and may the Force be with you!
  8. As promised here is the next semi weekly site poll. Now then onto the question I pose to everyone reading this thread. We all know 343 has added new vehicles to Halo 5 Guardians such as the Phaeton.But they have also not included some vehicles from the previous entries in the franchise such as the Falcon. If you could include any vehicle in Halo 5 that is not in there already, what would it be? Until next time folks! ( Due to unforeseen events the next poll without a poll will not be up until August 23rd )
  9. I actually made a really bad miscalculation I meant this thing was going to end on August 9th, today. I don't think this poll is going to get any more answers so lets find out what the community choose..... Answer: "For fans it is varied based on experience. 343 should be the ones that consider it a failure, and understand it CANNOT happen again" I think that sums it up the best. Thanks to all of those who took the time to answer.
  10. ^ I'm not buying a camera just for that! And yes, I am as old as I say I am..... how can I prove that? Um.... I cant but I know all you guys trust me anyway.
  11. I have explained this so many times my head feels like exploding from repetition! Mcc is probably never going to be fixed! Because..... Mcc simply is not going to get Ms anymore money, simple, no point fixing it. Halo 5 ( if it is bug free ) is going to make Ms money. Simply put: Fixing Mcc makes community sense. Simply put: Make sure Halo 5 is good makes cooperate sense. So that is what Ms has told 343 to do. Make Halo 5 as good a product as they can.
  12. ^ Um, my phone dosent have a camera on it. I don't know how old it is, it still works I think anyway..... But regardless it did not come with a camera.
  13. I would Jack but I literally have no cameras in my house, I smashed my webcam with a hammer too. When I get a new computer I will take a picture, then afterwards I will smash it. Why do I always smash computer webcams? Don't ask.....
  14. ^ Some late notice or what?! I would prefer to wait a day than have it early to give everyone a fair chance of using their roles.
  15. Banned for doing the same, or the other way around but its kinda the same thing....
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