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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. Banned because well that ban does nothing so I ban you for ...... well I cannot think of a valid reason to ban you but for the sake of the topic well you are BANNED
  2. Every company has lied to the consumer before in some way and what did you expect most if not all companies would love drm on there games and consoles.
  3. Breaking xbox one and ps4 news

  4. While browsing YouTube today I found this video and it contains some pretty interesting news about watch dogs and drive club and problems with the ps4 and Xbox one I hope everything thing in the video is not true but it looks at least some of the stuff is sais in this video is true.
  5. Out of all the rpgs i have played i have never fast traveld

  6. Been playing some fallout 3 instead of new vegas because those ledgion assassins are making me paronoid

    1. Trae Houston

      Trae Houston

      My pwer went out while I was playing Fo3 so every time I try to fast travel the game freezes. :(

    2.  Twam


      I love Fallout 3

    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      I have never fast travelled in a rpg

  7. i hate ledgion assassins

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I just keep my Fat Man with me at all times.

  8. Bungie dosent own halo anymore so I would guess that is not working.
  9. I was on halo 3 a week ago and it was working then so I would guess it still is.
  10. Yes some stuff they added helped but they took away stuff as well.
  11. Maybe but you're hands with still be up and it looks stupid this glitch should have been in halo 4 and been its own feature if they wanted to help making machinima easier compared to halo reach in terms of machinima halo 4 is a big step down.
  12. I saw a chupacabra with a automatic weapon

    1. Buns


      It was me sorry for scaring you

    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      It was at least 10 feet high and had fangs down to the ground!

  13. But that glitch should have been a feature in halo 4 that no weapon's glitch can make machinma much better and believable for example there is a scene in you're machinma all the characters are all at a bar off duty how stupid does it look if they are all holding weapon's machinma like the unsociables would look so stupid if they all had guns in there hands that no weapon's glitch really is a key feature of machinma.
  14. Yes but being able to lower your weapon's and being able to lower you're hands with the no weapon's glitch should be standard in halo it has put many machinma makers off halo 4 and so they still make machinma in reach because of it and now it has been nearly a year since halo 4 was out and none of those issues have been fixed.
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