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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. This is a community forum run by and for the community no Microsoft or 343 staff here ( as far as I know ) but I doubt halo will ever come to PC because halo is on of the only good things about the Xbox and one of the only reasons to get one. So if they made it on PC as well I can be certain sales of the Xbox's would go down and Microsoft don't want that.
  2. Congrates on the award Azaxx well deserved I wonder if anyone will every beat this record in the future?
  3. was cleaning my filter out today and the fish i thought was dead was inside it what luck

  4. Microsoft's chief ( CEO ) Steve Ballmer is recently announced that he will be leaving Microsoft in the next 12 months his successor has not been chosen yet though if you need a reminder who Steve Ballmer here you go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8M6S8EKbnU also here is a article about it for a full read up enjoy http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=steve%20ballmer%20leaving%20microsoft&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDMQqQIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2Fcc5d4d62-0bf4-11e3-8840-00144feabdc0.html&ei=bsQYUpfZLIT60gX3t4DQBg&usg=AFQjCNF1rIrVzSCrMjHag11yGpMpEIuZxA&bvm=bv.51156542,d.d2k
  5. so much for the next xbox being cheaper and more affordble

    1. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      I don't ever recall them saying it would be.


      "Cheaper and more affordable" is a bit redundant.. o_o

    2. SternuS


      ^Lol yes it totally is!

    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      they did a few years back when asked questions about the next Xbox

  6. here is what I want for halo 5 the game to be completed at launch a simple easy task I think
  7. I have never seen you before but then maybe I have anyway welcome back to the community
  8. for that price ....... I will not be getting it as of now maybe it will go free to play ( fingers crossed
  9. i wish bungie would stop milking the same E3 demo again and again and again and again

  10. ok but I hope you come back dumb marine
  11. I can agree with you on that one its not just the stuff it dosent have its the stuff is already has like the dmr and the br in the same game a bad choice or a terrible csr ranking system on waypoint or the silly looks of the new armour I could go on and on and on and on and on about halo 4 but lets keep it brief halo 4 was a flop of a game but 343i hopefully have learned from there mistakes and the next halo is the best yet
  12. the funny part is I bet 99 . 9 percent of Xbox one users will never use the Kinect
  13. congrates rocketeer well deserved protect this site well and defend its honour and glory from the Trolls of skyrim now go DRAGONBORN !!!!
  14. I agree and I am sure ms would sell lots more xbones without it and with out it drop the price as I high price can relay change options fast as shown in this video
  15. looks like a rocket launcher mixed with a Spartan laser
  16. I don't see the point in Kinect in every xbone now that its can be switched off the only 2 reasons I can think of it still being there is this 1 to spy on you 2 to put that 500 dollar price point on the xbone
  17. according to Phil Hanson when asked the question will the Xbox one always have Kinect with it he answered this .... Xbox one is Kinect they are not separate systems a Xbox one had chips memory it had Blu-ray it had Kinect the controller and these are all part of the platform eco system ..... here is a link to the vid at IGN
  18. yes i had to guess why there is not elites unsc falcon or hornet etc was because 343i needed more time on the game but Microsoft pushed it out anyway
  19. I do not play halo 4 any more so I may no be right but if I had to guess I would say 343i removed it because not enough players played it or was put into another playlist it may come back at sometime in the future though
  20. destiny is shaping up to be something good something amazing something special and I love it I cannot wait for when it comes out I loved this net vidoc it also showed some comptive multiplayer now I want to see more of that stuff
  21. maybe it is a little harsh but they game compared to over halos is terrible making machinima in the game is harder than reach for example weapon lowering is downright broken in that game . custom loadouts I don't like as I dosent fit in halo for the next halo they should go back to the way halo 3 did it it gives everyone a fair start as well as the boltshot is still sorta OP . all the armour in the game looks the same and just kinda silly and stupid as well as the engine it uses I know it is a heavily modified reach engine but I don't like the way the game looks reach got it right . this came takes no skill to play and most of the time you die it is because someone had some perk that does this or that if you died in halo 3 it was because that other player had better skill not some perk or loadout weapon . the game was a terrible broken game at launch and the amount of time it took 343 to even start fixing it was terrible so I would call that one bad dev support no falcon or hornet I have no idea why they are not in there . that's just a few reasons but this vid sums up halo 4 in one go
  22. the fact that the game was overhyped and just is a terrible broken game
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