Okay, time for my take on this whole fiasco and on your video, lets do this!
"Its has been two months since the last title update" Totally agree at least one or two updates should have come out by now but you cant blame them. Ms is calling the shots and lets be honest they know even by fixing Mcc it is not going to get them money..... Put all of 343's attention on Halo 5 however, will make the money if the game is relatively bug free..... You only have to look at the Mcc sales figures to see how much bugs hurt the games sales.
Point is from a cooperate standpoint, Mcc is not going to make Ms any more money. 343 themselves may want to fix Mcc, by Ms just isn't letting them, simple.
"I'm starting to believe 343 is abandoning the game in general" Blame Microsoft. Besides you just contradicted yourself a second later, they haven't abandoned it, new playlists are coming out and the Halo championship series is in full swing, they have not abandoned it at all. If they were abandoning it as you claim they would simply not talk about it. But they are, as seen in the weekly bulletin.
Trust me I seen game devs who have made bad games simply refuse to even acknowledge the games existence, now that is abandoning a game. 343 has not done that.
"343 are dead silent on the game and always have been" Not really, during the initial weeks it was all they were talking about in the bulletins, don't lie....
"Its as if 343 dislike the idea of communicating with their community" Um, ever heard of the weekly bulletins?
"Are 343 even aware that many Halo fans are upset about the Mcc?" What do you take them for? Fools?! Of course they are aware that's all that's on that Waypoint forums right now. Of course they are aware, but they cant do anything about it. Especially with Halo 5 so close to launch.
"I think 343 should be more honest" WOL, 343 is one of the most honest gaming companies I have seen in a while. They are very open to admitting when they have made mistakes. Lets take Halo 4. Frankie admitted the game could have been better. Not many devs would admit that......
"Lets read some features that are not in the Mcc" Do you know anything about coding?! Even adding all that stuff in is going to take a lot of work, trust me. A couple of months work for sure.
"The booting system in the Mcc is a joke" The Halo booting system has always been a joke anyway.....
"343 want us to forget about the Mcc, that's why they don't patch it" That was paraphrase on my part but whatever. I already covered that above, Ms wont let them. And if they are, those features you want in the Mcc are going to take a lot of work.
"Each update causes more bugs" Now that is an outright lie, some new bugs have come, sure. But Mcc is working a hell of a lot better than it was at launch you cannot deny that! The patches overall have fixed the game so it can now be to played, to an extent. At launch it was downright unplayable...
"The game was rushed out for the holiday season" Thanks Sherlock, I think everyone at this point knows Ms ordered 343 to boot out the Mcc well before it was ready. Mcc needed another year of development time at the least.
"I cannot help at laugh how blind 343 remain as devs" They are not blind, I already covered this, but they know Mcc is still broke they know about all the bugs but they just cant fix them right now, or they are fixing them its just taking a long time.... Either way, blame Ms, Ms made 343 rush it out, Ms is the source of the problem not 343! 343 has gave a lot of community support....
Caboose out!