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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. This momment gave me so many chills....

    1. rrhuntington


      Really? I thought it was this moment:

    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      No, its not that one.....

  2. Clearly there is some stuff you don't understand..... Let me clear this up. The budget will still be in Halo 5 Forge no doubt, it will just be higher than Halo Reach/Halo 4 due to the Xb1's better hardware. "removal of older game types" With some tinkering you can pretty much edit a gametype to what gametype is missing but I agree, something like recreating infection is impossible and so infection should be in H5. People used to do it in Halo 2 though that required honour rules..... accidental deletion- I suppose I agree but overall the lock system fixes that ( and the item glows ) so its not hard to know what item you are deleting. vehicle limits- There will always be limits, though perhaps in Halo 5 16 warthogs is possible.... finicky controls- They are not going to go that far and put keyboard and mouse support, if you love making maps that much get a pc there are plenty of really good and much better map makers for free or that come with other games.
  3. ^ Yep it looks to be interesting.... Lets be honest as I said before Apart from one or two issues here and there Escalation has been nothing but filler with nothing important or interesting in my opinion happening. But this recent story arc, something finally has happened, the Covenant have the Janus key. Now this is very interesting.
  4. Is seven hours playing games too much?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spyro


      You filthy casual.

    3. Delpen9


      Azaxx is like a gaming Olympiad.

    4. The Director

      The Director

      I play between 8-10 hours per day Monday through Friday. So... no, not really.

  5. On the subject of Rvb..... What's your predictions for the last few episodes of season 13? What's your current opinion of season 13 so far? :doge:
  6. ^ Once again, its arguable. Personally I hardly ever do splitscreen so its a plus for having 60fps. However people who do play splitscreen semi regularly or even regularly are going to see 60fps as generally a downside. You are going to see 60fps differently depending on how much you play splitscreen. For better or for worse.
  7. ^ No splitscreen makes the game worser than it could be. 60fps is cool and all, but saying Halo without splitscreen is better is pure stupidity.
  8. ^ To add to my points above, personally I prefer Ar/Smg starts because generally people have came to rely on the Battle Rifle a lot. Squad of grunts, Br solves that with headshots Jackals in sight, Br solves that with headshots Elites coming closer, Br solves that with headshots. Now lets turn this around. Neither of those are as effective when used with an Assault rifle because the rifle cannot score headshots as well. The amount of people I have seen getting angry about now Battle rifle starts is silly and really shows how reliant people have become on a single weapon, because that single weapon is brilliant at everything, expect one thing, Promethean Knights. That's probably why some Halo fans hate them, Knights are bullet sponges so you are going to need a Good Ar or Suppressor to take them down, much better than a Br ever could.
  9. ^ ^ Easier said than done. Do you really want to be waiting 24 hours if someone commits suicide?! No you don't, its pointless.
  10. Banned for taking the regulations seriously, who needs gas masks when you are entering a heavily polluted area? NO ONE THATS WHO! :doge:
  11. ^ It depends how much you use splitscreen though, if you don't use it then the 60fps is anything but a negative, you know its 60fps, the game runs generally smoother especially in multiplayer. But if you do use it regularly or semi regularly or something then its going to be a massive annoyance and source of disappointment. This is only going to effect someone depending on how much they use. ( Personally I only use splitscreen occasionally so its not that big of a deal )
  12. ^ True but there is a good point too. It allows Halo 5 to run at a silkily smooth 60fps with 1080, now that's awesome for a console fps. Splitscreen is a massive loss but trust me, you will appreciate that 60fps in multiplayer and maybe even campaign. ( I still wish Splitscreen was in there though )
  13. ^ ^ ^ ^ Wait I just realised that the faction I belong to is spelt Ebonheart..... I genuinely thought it was spelt Ebonhart..... How, how did I not realise that?!
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