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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. ^ No they shouldn't do this at all, it would give the host a massive advantage. So naturally that makes the game unbalanced, and I don't really want Halo 5 to be unbalanced. But don't worry 343 hasn't entirely dropped split screen, you can play two player split screen in multiplayer.
  2. Didn't Ek already confirm Delpen as mafian? Because I think he did.....
  3. You heard the title, I am here to ask you all one simple question! What is the best game of the last twenty years? I have studied different types of games and determined that these two titans are the best of the last twenty years. Candidate one: Superman 64! Candidate two: Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing! But now I am a loss, I cannot decide between the two, so I need your help! Vote up above the decide what the 343 community forums unofficial best game of the last twenty years! Before you vote, I have gathered some pretty positive quotes from several people about both games. Superman 64: "Thus game has a rushed, careless feel" "Superman 64 is executed so poorly that it actually serves to butcher the reputation of the prominent action hero." "This is easily the worst game I've ever played... it serves no purpose other than to firmly establish the bottom of the barrel" Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing: "It's as bad as your mind will allow you to comprehend" "I wish I could think of some redeeming factors for Big Rigs, but there simply aren't any" "This is the worst game ever made" "I love Big Rigs its has some much replay value and is full of quality gameplay!"-Jack of Harts, fellow art dept staff member.
  4. THEY PLAYED US LIKE DAMM FIDDLE! We will get you next time Delpen you will not escape us again!
  5. ^ Pretty much. You see, for quite some time members have been requesting a new rank. Granted Legendary isn't entirely a new rank but up until this point its been a pretty exclusive group. So now members can get legendary, still its still going to be pretty exclusive for a very, very, very, very long time. I mean 2000 likes is a pretty big deal. Oh yes and that's how you get up to this "new" rank 2000 likes. Hope that clears stuff up? Maybe......
  6. ^ ^ ^ I'm glad your frustrated because, that's the point, proves the game mode is doing its job. Halo 2 does have its unfair moments but overall its tough but fair. As long as you don't try and run in Rambo style you should be okay. Just put as much distance between you and your enemy as possible and stick to cover. Seriously though, Halo 3 and Halo 4 were too easy, they were cakewalks. Halo 2 overall, was just right.
  7. Looks like I owe someone "one" then. Seriously how did Joseph and Michael miss a massive hoard of Brutes right below them? Someone didn't go to spec-savers I see.
  8. "all this time.. long awaited.. for the old halo 2.. its been a while since joining and connecting to games wasnt working but the fact that when u destroy a team and they all quit and u lose a level is unbelievable fix ur **** 343.. " What can 343 fix, think about this logically? Firstly if you really wanted to play Halo 2 that bad you have got a pc. 2 Bad servers are not 343's fault. Ms provides the servers so blame them. 3 Its not 343's fault people quit. 4 The Mcc ranks are really just one massive mess right now, the best thing you can do is just put up with them. Right now they are arguably the most broken part of the game by far. I am sure 343 is trying to fix it though, hopefully. And to Fishy "And for the record, rank means nothing" Yes it does, it gives players something to strive towards.
  9. ^ Its not terrible nor is it as you describe it in your previous post. "A terrible mess" "Halo 2 on legendary is just not fun at all" Well, I find it fun, its not as if someone is forcing you to play on legendary. I love a good challenge and Halo 2 does not fail to disappoint. To be honest I'm glad your frustrated. It proves Halo 2 legendary is doing its job well, making it hard.
  10. I vote Delpen. And I suggest everyone else does the same. CHRUCH SHALL NOT DIE IN VAIN!
  11. I agree, 2015 is a great year to be a "gamer" Metal gear solid V Halo 5 Fallout 4 Half life 3? *crosses fingers* Star wars battlefront Eso on consoles Batman arkham knight And many others have, or are coming out this year, the last few years, gaming wise have been pretty whishy whashy but this year along with 2016 look to be a blast!
  12. ^ He did, because as you said before, he held a spiker. Its not even if he displayed any difficulty using it, he was even holding it in one hand!
  13. ^ Truth didn't have a spiker did it? I thought he just broke lore and picked that thing up and started walking. Unless you can provide a lore source he did, then I don't think so. "Besides, I'm sure he keeps it on his side as more of a defense" of course, what else would he use it for?
  14. Banned.... Seriously 263 pages, nobody who posts on his threat regularly since its creation ( me and jack ) have no lives, I'm willing to admit that.
  15. ^ ^ ^ "I want to know if 343 is planning on putting more effort into the matchmaking rather than the campaign. Unlike other players I care about the story" I for one hope they are not. Matchmaking is the games source of longevity so they need to put more effort into it than the campaign or at least equal effort or something. Because a lot of people once they finish the campaign, a lot of people don't come back to it and just play mp. As for will it be good? Hopefully, but you will not know until you buy it and play it at some point, so go and buy it and then find out.
  16. ^ ^ ^ ^ Firstly Lets clear some stuff up shall we? "This is why Bungie was better because they actually made games for the players to enjoy." And 343 isn't? Do you think 343 makes all the effort just to annoy Halo players? Of course not, don't delude yourself. 343 puts just as much effort as Bungie did if not more! The campaign looks good no? Hunt the Truth and all that good stuff as does the multiplayer. "this is one of the major reason people buy this game" What, to play four player split screen? Two Player is bearable but four player, by the Nine! And how many times do you play Halo split screen anyway. At a guess, not as much as you just play the game by yourself ( Though that depends if you have Xbl gold or not ) "who drank the retard juice?" Bungie, have you seen the mess Destiny is? "bs no one plays solo" I do, as do the majority of the Halo community at a guess. I play online of course but that still counts as being solo. As the majority of the Halo community pay for Xbl gold so they can play online and at a guess ( once again, always guessing am I ) at least some of their friends with Xb1's do so as well so they can play multiplayer together and occasionally campaign too. " I missed the days where i could go to my friends house and have 4 people" See the words used here? miss..... I doubt you play splitscreen very much anymore compared to how long you play by yourself ( by yourself I mean one controller ) "this is sad because this will mark the end of all split screening" What one game dosent do it for campaign and suddenly its the end for all splitscreen gaming! Don't overreact. "And if someone says this is related to the Frame rate im going to ******. These games are designed with the best tech" But then the console would have to be much, much more. Maybe Ps3 launch rate, or higher ( and we all know how well that worked out )
  17. ^ ^ Bacon I meant so post Halo 2 Boss fights, but on that note, that 10 seconds skirmish against Spark that some people count as a boss fight falls into the category as, brutally straightforward. ^ Well he cant sit on that big chair all the time, by all times that includes sleeping and when he is just chilling around his home or whatever. A charged Plasma pistol shot is pretty effective, in lore.
  18. Who here is going to get the latest Metal gear game?

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