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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. well unless u have a support upgrade i think resuppy allow u to pick grendues up and the other 1 or is it the same 1 not sure but u spawn with another grenade then u only have 2 greandes a life
  2. stupid kid with a ball i know how u feel my xbox did that 2 i had to buy a new 1 so i guess u will 2 sorry
  3. not sure but i heard in january there fixing wepon blacing issues so mabe the carbine may get a buff or dmr gets MORE BLOOM we need it
  4. this is a comminty run site 343s is waypoint try there but ill try to anwer your qustion as best i can its a glitch i think
  5. welcome to our comminy i hope you enjoy your time here
  6. got my friend xbox live working toaday so i can play with him yay

  7. play domtion and crimson dlc playits they are my top favrite playits
  8. i will not go back to reach in any way i think i like halo 4 mmore anyway i didnt buy halo 4 for nothinn lol
  9. just to point out you put this thread in the wrong place so put it in the right place next time k also ill check out your app it seems somthing worth my time
  10. hi and welcome to little commminty we have here
  11. this is hard qustion i think i love all of them they all have that little bit of specilbillty about them all
  12. i love the negry sword most peaple say it like halo 2s and i agree when it in my hands im unstople ha ha with a little speed boost 2 help epic combo
  13. i love shmeefs i im trying to include at lest one in every map i make good ideas 4 sh eefs your very cretivte
  14. it suck nnot bhing able to go on the shoutbox becase error 404

  15. halo 2 mission were hit and miss the starting leaveles were the best the first 2 persificly every other was meh
  16. its a know problem its your disk u need 2 buy a new one if that dosent work well i dunoo someone else on the forums may post another great idea to help all of u
  17. well cortana connted with the hardlight sheild and sinse hardlight sheilds bridges a chief can stand on thats what gave her a physical form it is not contibed it makes snese
  18. yheah i rember when i played red dead mu;tiplayer so long ago goood times i think they should make red dead 2 as well
  19. messing around like making infinte auto sentries lol if u want to know how to make infinte spawn one activite it and delte its stand walla infinte auto sentries
  20. wow good job at destroying the other team ive had expirence when i destroy as well i love it
  21. well bungie couldent port halo after halo 2 but 343 can now they said they dont have plans 2 but anythings possible
  22. 1 qustion why do you need it changed int eh first place if its set to youre launguge please anwer back so in can help
  23. so many great members leaving the forums sad face

  24. rember in halo 1 with engery sword we couldent pick it up well its a long shot but the things promthens have on there arms we may be ablw to use in halo 5 doubt it though
  25. any big wepon incinertion cannon rocket launcher sticky detonter fuel rod shotgun any wepon will do i killed 2 hunters using only assultrifles
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