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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. yay error 404 persting dang

  2. hi welcome to the comminty by the way this site is comminty run 343 site is waypoint just so u know
  3. i loved the cutscene as well chief is so cool i funny how one of the first cutscenes in the game is the best
  4. well arby is confirmed 2 be in halo 5 witch is supposed 2 be the darkest in the reclmir triolgy
  5. meh why does your other accounts need it anyway your primary account works so yheah
  6. she connected herself with the hardlight sheild so thats what gave her phyiscal form
  7. i think assassins creed 3 was a big dissapointment the worst ac game of the bunch it was so overhayped and the game was rubbish i mean while playing the game is was bored out my mind so yheah ps brotherhood was the best
  8. well thisle make u happy in 2013 team doubles is coming back with grifball as well 343 has big plans 4 2013
  9. meh i hate music i dont own and y cds music is just very bad 4 u and no one should lisen 2 it this is my option though
  10. here he is hes so beast if your wonding what my elblem is it 117 eblem and his armor is all monir mark 6 and viser is leadery check the link becase the piture does not show up here 4 some reason lol sorry everyone i cannot find a way to link it now i tried and failed ah well ill describe him here hope thats almost as good he is a male and is dark blue armor all of it he is wering moniler armore mark 6 and the leadery viser i hope u can amgine what hes like also his eblem is 117 so yheah
  11. yay shoutbox still hates me

  12. becase a decent size of the halo comminty loves halo 3 and ranrock is a map from halo 3 so yheah
  13. woke up played games went to nans and grandads whatch a movie sleep
  14. dont think so maybe contact xbox live support or u could buy the
  15. noooo ah well see ya then i hope u come back and hope evrything works out 4 u in life see ya starside archangel
  16. got ac3 4 christmas and im bored out my mind playing it

  17. found out it a easter egg lol my title was good while it lasted if i ever did have 1 it would be cool if it was cookie eater lol i love cookies

  18. i do i lloked at my post and say it said bungie so i then did a staus update and well went on a thread started thsi one loked at my title i once had and i changed back also skyo thats sorta wrong as i know someone on these forums who has 20 posts and i green members recently joined has a title so yheah i found out its a easter egg lol ah well good while it lasts back to bhing a elite honor ghaurd soon elite counciler
  19. my title has gone noooo

    1. ZB-85




  20. i looked at 1 of my posts and say i have a title its called bungie so i thought to myself how do memebers get titles so posts your thoughts down below but now looking at it again it gone now ah well good why it lasted lol
  21. holy **** i was looking at sweaty bagles how the war games playists should be arranged and well i saw my last post on there and something looked diffrent my rank was gone and replaced with a title yay my new title is BUNGIE yay that made my christmas

  22. u took the letter out my post pergtory but sovingn if u want to trade go to somewhere else just not this place there are other sites where u can trade ign i think u can gamestot i think u can as well
  23. when halo 4 was annouced it wished that ctf oddball big team and koth were all seprtae plaists i got what i wish i dont want them combined as i can play ctf whenever i want odd ball when ever i want so i think thet should stay a seprete
  24. i love the game camapin so cool and i cried at the end i felt like i knew what chief was going throught i felt like the chief sparten ops i like i like the story is good and i like to play solo and co op as they provide cool and diffrent expirnces and war games i so addicting and beast i cannot get enought of it and forge and customs i was let down i think ah well
  25. 343 has big plans 4 2013 very big onece wepon balacing grifball etc just wait n see
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