These are my honest opinions, be warned, I am a harsh critic. Now then, let us begin. The Music choice for this montage was just, horrible. My ears are still recovering from the damage, that may or not be permanent. That is my only opinion as I said before, I mean my music tastes are probably not like yours. My music tastes ( I skipped it to the point where the track takes off ) That piece of music I linked I beautiful stuff, but that is besides the point. The music in my opinion sucked, granted the music I linked it hardly something you would use in a montage. I may not enjoy dubstep of heavy metal but when used in a well done montage ( not like I watch much montages ) they kinda work. Point is, song sucked. Point two: Some of the clips could use a tightening up and stayed up for too long. Take this montage I found, the song is good ( for a montage, I wouldn't listen to that song out of a montage ) and clips are nice and tight. Despite how overused the song is in montages. If you do fix these things, somehow on your next montage, then all the power to you and well done.