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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. in the right hands the plasma pistol can destroy but in the wrong it usless
  2. 1000 shouts now

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      How do you check the number of shouts you have??

    2. skummgummigubbe


      at the bottom of the page when you are at the shoutbox

  3. its just comes down to trail and error sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt a game of chanece it is
  4. does this count as a socil site becase if it does very happy but srsly guns only lead 2 troble
  5. i would just like to see what the commintys favrite loadout wepons is like so vote and post your thoughts
  6. i always seem to have good and non afk team betying players good for me ssr 73 currently
  7. onto the infinty on my leandary playthrought now

  8. on the infinty on my leandary playfurue now

  9. hmm lets ee then what happends in halo 5 and 6 some many possiblties
  10. ha ha ha knight comes up with light rifle goes pew pew pew sqish chief foot sqishes him
  11. yheah welcome back to our comminty i hope u continue to have a good time here and follow the rulues
  12. welllets hope it draws a crowed as that why king of the hill went temporialy becase barley anyone played it
  13. hmm get a new disk maybe that may fix it or a new xbox maybe or do what virus said
  14. hhh spechesls wtf was that also u spelled cortana wrong its a small c by the way
  15. i play a mix of both becase why not playing solo i am serious and try to make it throught a mission without dying co p i play 4 fun
  16. hey skyo am i in there some were i hope i am
  17. creepy 1177 peaple have viewd my profile creepy

  18. wow this is a mouth full try and shorten it down it a heck of alot to read and i dont think to many peaple will bother becase its so big
  19. i thought it was going to be rubbish and hadrley piked it up it is a good wepon and is very very very under rated noboady rearly pickes it u p
  20. what just dowload crimson u should get it 4 free hope this helps i got the le for 60 win epic win 4 me
  21. hmm a reamke of any map hmm so many ggod ones maybe make one of the smaller maps as peaple love those akbar
  22. 1 thing the mantis canot be 2 powerfull any way about the achivment well just keep on stopin on peaple when u can at one time or another u will get it
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