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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. After seeing that demo.... The Fallout 4 hype is real!

  2. How do I create an account for this site?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wam


      Wait, I just forgot. What the heck is the Internet?

    3. Delpen9


      How do I press the space bar?

    4. Wam



  3. ^ But technically he isn't doing anything wrong.
  4. ^ What are you concerned about? Playing as Arby in Halo 2 in my opinion was the best part of the game because it offered us a new perspective, kinda the same with H5g with Locke.
  5. I vote Bnus. Well done mafians. We really pulled victory in! We played Pro town.... LIKE A DAMM FIDDLE!
  6. Cant Pro town and the mafia just peacefully work everything out?
  7. ^ If you have sent an email you should get a response in due time. Anyway I can prove to you 343 does care about their players, because they announced 15 free dlc maps for H5!
  8. No clue..... I have no plans to get an Xbox one but yet I'm here.... its bizarre. The community I guess....
  9. Digital. But is the physical stuff worth it though? Because I wouldn't mind getting that if the stuff was worth it. I have money to burn.....
  10. Question: Do you think getting the Imperial edition is worth it? Because I admit I feel really jealous of the guys with the white shining steed, trotting past me AS I WALK!
  11. Yes, Mcc is quite laggy at times. It sucks but at least Halo 5 ran really well.
  12. Amazing? Not that is an overstatement. But what is certainly something to be hyped about is the campaign, that looks really interesting!
  13. ^ ^ CORRECTION! Split screen is available, just limited to two players at a time.
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