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Caboose The Ace

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Status Updates posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. came back from holiday today

  2. I love how deep this game gets

  3. lookes like ac3 is going to be the game i play for a long time i hope my skill in halo 4 dosent take a impact

  4. Nice new site banner, very prettyyyyy

  5. nearing the end of halo 4 leadery mission 7 half way through so far

  6. #Supermansixtyfourbestgamever!!!

  7. Nice new site banner, very prettyyyyy

  8. dammmmmmm it shoutbox messed 4 me again ah well i had a good run have to wait till it fixes itself dammit

  9. What would you like to see from the series? http://343i.org/26f

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