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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. Or maybe get the most awesome armour for doing special things..... Like Recon in Halo 3? But more armour sets. ^
  2. Caboose The Ace 2.5 Constantine The Great (Pbrabbit) 4.5 Church Axilus Prime 1 Lets hope Phabbit is the right call.
  3. ^ I can assure you I am Pro town. Was I not one of the ones supporting lynching Ash? Anyway, the only reason Pb is covering me is because we exchanged pm pictures. He showed me his and I showed him mine and he appears to trust and as I do him. But pm details are worth little these days for obvious reasons. So I hope that clear things up.... I can even invite you to the pm if you wish. By my calculations Pro town is going to win this game, because unless the Medic fails to protect any Pro town then at minimum the mafians need 3 lynches to secure victory. So I am certain Pro town is going to win as I doubt the mafians will survive three lynches.
  4. Sadly I cannot answer the question, I'm not even sure 343 have said anything about it. So right now it could go either way but judging from what we know, no they are not coming back. I really hope its not true though, it was be a stupid mistake.
  5. ^ ^ And I was ones of the ones who insisted on voting on voting her out and did vote her out. Though I'm still not sure who to vote. Sadly I trust the Detectives word more than Phabbit simply because, he probably has a better idea who everyone because he is the Detective, and is in a Pro town pm..... I am in neither. I vote Phabbit. and to everyone voting me for the lulz... Don't vote me out you are making a mistake when we have a mafian more certainly in our grasp either Axilus or Pb. EDIT Caboose The Ace 2.5 Constantine The Great (Pbrabbit) 3.5 Church Axilus Prime 1 I think this vote count is right, probably wrong though.
  6. P34nut just jogged my memory about something, so thanks nut. And no nut, the Xbox one will not last 10 years I can assure you that. Anyway, does anyone remember the red ring of death, because I sure do. And that about settles what console had a better launch, or what console was better. Xbox 360 had red ring of death. Xbox one did not..... Xbox one is the better console because of it.
  7. ^ Couldn't hurt to try and look at those threads though could it?
  8. ^ If you want too. It might be quicker though, plus you have lots of clans to choose from.
  9. This isn't a clan offer but if you want to look for clans to join this is the place to be.... Click this link as this is where the people who want to advertise clans on this site go. http://www.343industries.org/forum/forum/67-clan-recruiting-advertising/ Search away.... Hope you find a clan that fits your liking.....
  10. Can I point out the irony in Ash's death? She made a false story about Fishy being confirmed to get all the heat off her yet that got more heat on her........ And this is why Bnus you should always lynch!
  11. I vote Ash. This better be the right call, don't say I didn't warn you! Ash 6.5 Drizzy_Dan 2 Fishy 4 Ledgend1221- 1 Null 3 or two? Yep Ash is dead
  12. Let me help you out a bit. And no this isn't a clan offer..... However I suggest you click this link http://www.343industries.org/forum/forum/67-clan-recruiting-advertising/ This is where people who want to advertise their clans go on this forum..... So there is where you will find a clan you can join.... or you can not and just wait for people to look at this thread ( might take longer though )
  13. ^ Your right there. Forget it I vote Null Ash 3.5 Drizzy_Dan 2 Fishy 4 Ledgend1221- 1 Null 5 I simply am not sure who to vote..... EK is active so why hasn't he posted this? Detective please check out Fishy or Ash next.
  14. ^ Can I point out the heat was already off Ash? We were all voting null... Ash 3.5 Drizzy_Dan 1 Fishy 5 Ledgend1221 1 Null 4 Hrrrrm...... this could go either way.... How long is left till lynch?
  15. I vote Fishy. I always knew there was something..... Fishy about that guy.
  16. HOLD ON! I calculated the votes wrong. Ash 3.5 Drizzy_Dan Fishy 1 Ledgend1221 1 Null 5
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