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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. Which one of you Traitors changed my name?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Maestro


      geeettttttt dunked on!!!

    3. JoeStone42


      WELL I come back after a month... And I'm greeted with THIS

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      you betta dunk the dunk or else sans will italicize you

  2. Still, one death does not excuse two bad seasons. 12 and 13 did actually have some great ideas but they were all so badly done to the point where both 12 and 13 really have little to no redeeming qualities at this point. I'd say it is time to let the show die now. Actually I would have said it was time at season 10 but nobody listened to me then. So perhaps one more season to wrap up everything and then end it? Because the show as run its course and nothing lasts forever and it's clear the team has ran out of idea's and are grasping at straws.
  3. It sickens me to see all that traitor scum up there. Especially from Caboose The Ace.

    1. Melody


      Plot Twist, the storm trooper was really the TR_8R.

  5. Well done. You made it to the end, now not only have you won the internet for a day but here is your grand prize....
  6. There seems to be other Clone Wars stuff there too, but I can see where your coming from I suppose.
  7. The only explanation I can think of is that Chief and Locke were trying to be non lethal and when was the last time Chief or Locke did that? Probably never, especially for Chief who could have easily killed Locke by accident.
  8. No you are incorrect. It is perhaps the most appropriate word. All I saw for the past two seasons was just that. The finale to season 13 was just bad. Oh Church died again. Don't worry he will come back. That's pretty much the message I got from it and considering how xenophobic Rooster Teeth is about killing off characters there is almost a one hundred percent chance he will come back. Season 12-13 just was just full of bad ideas and bad execution to be honest.
  9. How's is it out of place? Presumably its either showing all helmets shown in the films or the evolution of Clone/Stormtrooper gear.
  10. Sadly no. That ban of yours is not going to become lifted. Ever. Waypoint is a harsh site and I agree with you in saying they should have offered you another shot at redemption since the likelihood is you would not do so again. But for once I can see why the Mods banned you as you knowingly and intentionally broke a forum rule.
  11. Shame Phasma's helmet does not come with a motion sensor.....
  12. I could not agree more. 1-8 were solid gold. 9-10 were good. 11-Actually gave me renewed hope that this series could get back to the quality we saw in 1-8. 12-13 an absolute train wreck of a show.
  13. Welcome back to the Semi Weekly Site Poll 24! Whooooooooo! Over time the majority of site poll answers I have been getting have been quite negative. That's fine of course since I am asking for your opinion and since it is me who is asking the questions and I usually have a good enough idea what the answer will be anyway. So I do choose more negative questions from time to time. But regardless it is nice to get some discussion in a community that has probably got tumbleweeds going around by now. So for a nice change of pace here is this weeks question. What is your favourite aspect of Halo 5? Is it play Multiplayer with friends? Or perhaps Forging new maps? Let me know! As usual voting ends on the 26th of January. If you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to pm me. Happy voting, your Supreme Overlord and Emperor of the Galaxy Caboose The Ace out!
  14. It has been a full week so let's tall up the results and find the most populr choice of what the 343 community is hoping for in terms of maps. *drumroll* Though the answer to me was clear. Entirely new maps that are not remakes or remixes and have a unique art style to them that is not UNSC related. Thanks for voting all!
  15. Texture wise yes but art style is subjective. What is a true player anyway? He is not suggesting you get a sniper every minute is he? Just more often.
  16. Here you go all, the next Semi Weekly Site Poll! http://343i.org/3ai

  17. Seven whole days have passed since the last poll, so lets get to this! With Halo 5 343 decided to do something different from a lot of other first person shooters and previous Halo games. Firstly all future dlc will be free, including maps. And secondly the REQ system was introduced but by now I think you all know what that is. Traditionally in a Halo game when dlc maps were released they fragmented the community as few people ever brought them and quickly become obsolete fast with only a few hundreds players in dlc playlists at most sometimes, compared to the many thousands in other game modes. But with all dlc maps being released for free it will not be a few hundred anymore. So my question to you all this week is. What are you hoping for in regards to maps in the future of Halo 5? As usual voting ends on the 19th of January. If you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to pm me. Happy voting, your Supreme Overlord and Emperor of the Galaxy Caboose The Ace out!
  18. Alright it has been a whole week, seven days, all that stuff so lets get to it. *drumroll* And the communties answer to the original question. "Are you satisfied with Halo 5's customisation system?" Overall it seems the answer is a no as the customisation in Halo 5 is lacking, especially if you compare it to previous games. Thanks for the votes everybody!
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