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Caboose The Ace

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Status Updates posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. "Love doesn't lead to the dark side. Passion can lead to rage and fear, and can be controlled, but passion is not the same thing as love. Controlling your passions while being in love, that's what they should teach you to beware, but love itself will save, not condemn you." Jolee Bindo

  2. Everyone must watch this!

  3. I love how deep this game gets

  4. Did ya miss me? :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Melody


      Welcome back Mr. Caboose train.

    3. Twinreaper


      I missed you about as much as a hooker misses VD.

    4. Caboose The Ace
  5. Im leaving for a few days but I will be back by Monday. Dont get too sad that the best member on the forum is leaving, okay? :D

  6. Bnus likes to butter his bread

  7. Did you know Butter goes well with Bnus?

    1. lilsilmarillion


      Yes... Yes I did. That means it shall be very fun to put butter on you and eat ya. CaBnus

  8. Breaking news! Halo 5 guardians is cancelled for Xbox one and is being developed exclusively for the Ps4 now.

  9. Im done with Dragon age Inqusition, the game is a disgrace to the great legacy of Origins....

  10. Im giving Dragon age Inquiston another shot, maybe I treated the game to harshly first time round.

  11. This still gives me the feels

  12. “The Crystal is the heart of the Blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force. The Force is the blade of the Heart. All are intertwined. The Crystal, the Blade, the Jedi and you are now one.”

  13. Have you tried turning it on and off?

    1. joshyzburton


      yes, and no it did not work

  14. "If it really is a sin to kill an angel, then I'll see you in Hell my friend"

    1. joshyzburton


      What about nephilim's?

  15. The 343 Drink game: Every time you see a 343 hater you drink a shot. :)

    1. Ranger Intel
    2. AnimeAddict


      im already drunk from it and i just logged on


    3. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      I think I would die of alcohol poisoning if I played this game...lol

  16. You want comedy gold this thread is all you need, the survivors. Link is Rsr approved http://343i.org/2rf

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