I completely and 100% agree with sova if their is no traditional h2 or h3 ranking system their is no point or fun in the game you won't have to worry about boosters or people quiting or making accounts cause nobody will play it just like reach that game was the worst halo made 343 needs to do something about this before the game comes out and a lot off people are disappointed and this game flops
We need a petition or vote on what ranking system we want as gamers and let 343 know what we want in our matchmaking ranks I say bring back halo 2 rankings or at least mix 2 and 3 together and leave reach out of it
I seen that its a mix between halo reach and halo 3 I think the gamers should decide I personally don't even like xp the number ranks would make people more happy did you like halo reach symbols I think most are used to numbers I hated halo reach what do you think?
I mean it's fun I like it but having a rank makes it fun you have something to work for, unlike call of duty your rank doesn't show your skill halo should stay halo I'm sure most are for the 1-50 number ranking
I am excited for the game only thing I am very disappointed in is to have reach ranking system. Everybody I know that has reach hates the ranking system and gameplay. If their isn't 1 - 50 ranking is not even worth it 1-50 in symbols just isn't halo it tradition I think everybody can agree that halo 2 had the best ranking system I showed true skill cause you could lose your rank or gain it accordingly you should incorporate halo 2 and 3 ranking system and leave reach out. Take a poll and ask the people what type of ranking system cause the truth is its what the people are going to care about and look forward to when playing halo 4 matchmaking. I quit halo for a long time when reach came out it was the worst halo game made I went to call of duty so I'm looking for this game to make up so please put the the 1-50 number ranking back