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Everything posted by SkylarPlumo

  1. I would have been more grateful if this game was never released i am sorry but single player aside this game is completely bad
  2. MLG Probably isnt going to play halo 4 because its a dreadful game. Bought it day one played it for 2 weeks on - off havnt touched it since, thanks for nothing 343
  3. lol its kinda like where in halo reach you could unplug your internet and plug it back in on invasion spire and the elites couldnt pick up the core, giant glitches are so lame and especially because players actually use them
  4. I cant believe what im reading in this thread..... the DMR dominates the entire game in every game mode and the assault rifle has been demonized so no one will even use it anymore, i dont understand why they dont just make a classic gametype where you spawn with assault rifles and pistols the only reason to even buy a halo game is ruined
  5. Halo 4 is **** because they dont have a mode with weapons on the map where you start with ONLY assault rifles and pistols like on older halos AKA the only reason i even bothered to buy halo 4.....what a let down 343 seriously....
  6. I hit the xp cap every single day i play this game......
  7. Its only sexist when men do it
  8. Does anybody know how much the map pass will cost in microsoft points? the price is $24.99 so i was thinking 2000 microsoft points would cover it thanks
  9. that was so wrong on so many levels. have fun with "blops 2"
  10. thanks dude cleared that up perfectly
  11. How do you buy the map pass anyways like directly from the store or over the internet? im confused about all this
  12. If this happens ill lose my mind in excitement
  13. Is it possible to buy the map pass for halo 4 after the game releases at stores like walmart? in canada btw thanks
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