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  1. Thanks REMkings! It means a lot!
  2. I did do this... The structure in the middle is a huge shelf of garbage, and you can climb through pieces of garbage on each level on it. And there may or may not be a hidden mongoose...
  3. Thanks for the feedback guys, but I just wanted to say that the map is crowded because I wanted to make it more scary, and add more LOS blockers for the zombies to take cover behind. It is ok that I did this though, because, the humans have shotguns, to protect themselves at close quarters. If their were no LOS blockers, it would make it so that the humans could use their pistols, and the zombies wouldn't have a chance at survival. I have put a lot of time and care into this map, so if you get the time to try it out for yourself, I definitely would.
  4. Name of Map: Garbage Dump Canvas Map: Forgeworld Link to MAP: http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/haloreach/filebrowser/Details/29677175 Link to Gametype: http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/haloreach/filebrowser/Details/29677184 Recommended Player Count: 12 Game Variant: Objective Gamertag: Beybok Garbage Dump By Minion In the outskirts of a ruined city, where zombies ruled the land, and humans fought to survive, lied a single garbage dump. Many humans have ventured far and wide, to find a safe place to hide, and all have failed, but this garbage dump, was far away from any zombie activity, and the only road that lead there, had fallen down behind them. The humans that stayed there, were safe, and so they searched the garbage for food, and medicine. And found enough to last a long time. But they had no idea, that in the centre of this heap of garbage, a pack of bloodthirsty zombies, silently waited, for their chance to strike. Attached Thumbnails
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