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Everything posted by ISTRAFED UP0NI

  1. Did this in like 6 games. It was annoying while doing it though. lol
  2. On close maps the BR is better than the DMR because you can drag your shots across the face mid burst, while the DMR must be spot on with each shot. Buttttt 90% of the maps are HUGE and you're stupid not to pick the DMR.
  3. I have Limited Edition and they WERE included. There was a code in the box that had all specializations, skins, emblems and Map packs all in one code. They will release the specializations to everyone soon enough, just be patient.
  4. It really won't change anything from what it is now without it being visible.
  5. In order of greatness; 1. Halo 4 2. Halo 4 3. Halo 4 4. Pokemon Black / White version 2
  6. The ranking system shouldn't be too far away now! Can't wait!!!!!!!
  7. Sounds like some regular ol' connection problems. Could be your NAT.
  8. The quicker you do the missions, the less experience you get. I like when I get chumps on my team, then I get more experience. An extra minute in a mission could mean an extra 1000 exp.
  9. You can take the game into yoour local game shop and get the disk resurfaced ... but that only has about a 60% success rate. If you have the warranty then they will just replace the disk for you. I have a warranty from gamestop on mine and it cover like ANY damage to the disk. Only cost me $3 for the warranty. Good deal if you ask me.
  10. Need 2 more players for a grifball league, they give out prizes to winning teams, it will be on Halo 4. I prefer that the players be 15+ years old. The 2 players already on the team are 21 and 23. We will be able to choose what times work best for us at registration and will have to be readily available at the time of the games. There is 15 games in a season, 3 matchups per team in your division. Here is a link to the Grifball league/ http://grifball.info/ Half of our team is already set and we have savage skill! Let me know if you're interested in playing with us. We are planning on winning EVERY game so we only want some good, smart players! If you have any questions about prizes or ANYTHING about the league, click on the link and find the answers yourself. If you have any questions about the team, go ahead and ask me. 2 players already on the team Myself: ISTRAFED UP0NI My dude: V iJester
  11. you can skip 80% of the mission. Youtube it.
  12. I didn't even know that the MC armor was unlocked by finishing legendary. That was just the first thing I did with my dudes, it took us 5 hours 6 minutes to finish it. Lol you can run right through all of the areas on the final level. It took me like 20 min on solo legendary. Died a few times though, a little trial and error. .... Alright so I died like 7 times. This is 100% the part I had the most trouble on playing Solo Legendary! I died like 8 times, just COULD NOT survive! Then one time I ran into the BIG tree root around the right side when I spawned and just played it slow.
  13. Lol people who pay $400 for the limited edition console should get every future game add on at no extra cost.
  14. Despawn time is 10-12 seconds. Looking at the gun stops the timer. You can't just look at it across the map though.
  15. Halo 4 IS NOT broken... Halo 4 has ZERO hacking. There are a handful of glitches that will be taken care of as soon as possible, all of which are so minor that they aren't able to effect the outcome of a game if used. Wall glitches in oddball are even EASY to overcome if you're half way decent at the game. Quit complaining.
  16. Yeah dude, I've never used this package and I have a good Win / Loss and a great Kill / Death. I think it's fine how it is. Grenades on Reach were bad.....
  17. The map exploits aren't anything to do with hackers, they are just glitches in the map that 343i was unaware of prior to the release of the game. Glitches like these are usually found and fixed prior to the release of the game, a lot of times by community beta play. 343i didn't however have time to release an open beta, they had to have the game released by holiday season. Plain and simple. Community and potential sales demanded that the game be available for the holidays. If I say so myself they have fixed everything that NEEDS fixingPERIOD Dude..... You must be the ONLY person in the world that isn't aware of this but ..... The kill cam IS NOT accurate at all. If you watch it and complain about how he missed every shot, you're a fool. The opposing players watch you do the SAME EXACT thing in their kill cam. Kill cam has a ways to come before it can be trusted.
  18. You just said everything that they said when they first announced it........ That's exactly what I didn't want. But thanks for the attempt.
  19. Any news on the subject? I haven't been able to find anything since their original announcement. I'd really like to hear something new about it, I'm sittin on pins and needles here. Have they provided us with a date of release for the new ranking system? Is it 100% confirmed (No question of doubt) that 1-50 will appear ONLY on Waypoint? (Sounds like something that they'd say and then have it ALSO in game) Are they going to update playlists or remain with the rotational they've been running? Kinda off subject.. What is up with the maps?! They have ZERO forge maps in rotation, the Circular symmetrical space map isn't in rotation at all and they have only 3 small to mid sized maps and their new map pack adds 3 maps that are large and all have vehicles....... I don't know what exactly they're thinking but in the past Halo has ALWAYS thrived off of their Team Slayer and Team Doubles playlists. Those have ALWAYS been the most played playlists and tell me if I'm wrong but they only have like 3 maps that could work for team doubles... Not the smartest of choices.
  20. I understood it was sarcasm. I was just commenting to bring up my post. Duh.
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