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Everything posted by ISTRAFED UP0NI

  1. Lol by kids I do of course mean like small children.. If you don't require a baby sitter, then you're more than welcome to submit an application. Applications are submissible by simply commenting on this post with a positive response. Examples of accepted applications* Yeah I'll play Add me Hit me up homeboy I play witchu And my personal favorite, I'm interested in winning and would like to play on a team with a like mindset. I need some winners.. I'm talkin 2012 LeBron James, not 2011 LeBron James. Kthxbye
  2. No tryouts. I just like winning and would like like minded players.
  3. All of my dudes already quit playing the game. I need some dudes. I need some dudes that don't suck. I need some dudes that know how to win. I need some dudes that can carry me the one game I'm doing bad because I'm eating dinner. Who I don't want. *People who are Kids need not apply. *People with annoying voices need not apply. *People who suck at the game need not apply. *People who cry about hackers need not apply. *People who prefer playing swat need not apply. *people outside of the United States need not apply. *people who brag about being SO high need not apply. What I want in a teammate. People on the West Coast are ideal. People who are competitive. People who don't like to lose. People who will boot me if I am doing bad. People who know how to do call outs. People who can finish my kills. People who will carry a solid kill to death ratio. I want some dudes that played the first Halo competitively. Not people who started with Halo Reach. I want some dudes that deleted their real friends off of their friends list because they made you lose your 50 in Halo 3. Let me know if you are my dude. Also I'd like for some dudes that will have the new map packs as they come out.
  4. Lol not only did he use the wrong word, he spelled the wrong word incorrectly.
  5. You said professional, meaning it would be someones profession, meaning you make a living doing it. Sooooo not a professional clan?
  6. The playlist in Halo 3 was called Team Tactical. There was a lot of camping toward the end of close games. I was able to get to high 40s before they removed the game type. It was pretty alright though. And it was "in fact" not called team elimination... lol. Nice try with your facts though. I assure you that it was Team Tactical.
  7. Spartan Ops you can get about 5000 exp in a 7 min mission. Wargames the max exp is 2981 and matches are 12 minutes long AND you have to win to get the max. If you're just farming exp trying to level up, play the spartan ops matchmaking. Watch a movie while you play it's easy and require very little paying attention to.
  8. Yeah I have seen all of the descriptions and I know WHAT they do.. I just don't know HOW they do it?? How does pioneer's Fast Track work?
  9. All of the Specializations have really un-descriptive descriptions. Lol. Like what exactly do they do? Fast track boosts the rate in which you can level up... How? Do u get more experience per match? Can u get more experience per match? I already hit 2981 (maximum single match exp, 5962 with 2xp) almost every match, so will pioneer's Fast Track be worthless to me? Sound off below, I need some answers.!!
  10. I tried typing in the code on the cap that rolls out at the end of the video.. Didn't work.
  11. Just got the email from xbox live rewards. Little earlier5 than expected, but it's out! everyone go check your emails!
  12. I love how this dude is SOOO fed up with everyone complaining about the Limited Edition, yet he continues to come back to this post for 113 posts now... Doesn't quite make sense. Everyone is downgrading because our $100 limited edition game is significantly weaker in appeal than past installments. You have to be the whiniest person on the post and your complaining about the complainers.. Plus you didn't even buy the Limited Edition, if you thought so highly of it then you would have bought it. You wanna buy my Limited Edition copy?? I know the rest are sold out..
  13. anyone know how long the war games pass is going to be available?? Like do I have to buy it at the games release, or can I wait to buy it til they release their first map pack??
  14. http://www.ign.com/v...ftware-unboxing Here is a link to IGN's Halo 4 unboxing. It has digital content, sweet box (really do like the box...) and some pamphlets. Dang it. Really wanted to keep my LE pre order.
  15. The point of everything I said was made to be the "Extreme", you have to have an extreme if you are to get complete and educated opinions from both sides. Having a full picture of the Limited Edition's pros and cons will make it a lot easier to make a choice on whether or not to remain with the Limited Edition, as the package stands. At this point I'm pretty set on downgrading to the Standard Edition, however I will wait until about 3 days prior to the release to actually downgrade if I choose to do so. Waiting the extra 2 weeks I'm sure 343 will definitely shed more light on the status of the Limited Edition, but they have already gone into mass production so I don't really think much can be changed at this stage... We'll see. IGN Halo 4 unboxing. http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/10/22/halo-4-limited-edition-software-unboxing Now we know EXACTLY what comes with it. Wow, now it's official... Limited Edition SUCKS!!!! Seriously.
  16. Just finished watching the Presidential debate. I watched all 4 all the way, I know how much I needed to watch, don't stop in and tell me what I had to do. Requirements have been met, When do I get it? lol
  17. Ohhh how opinions change over time. lol. 343i played us. That FUD should be a DVD... Ugh.
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