The point of everything I said was made to be the "Extreme", you have to have an extreme if you are to get complete and educated opinions from both sides. Having a full picture of the Limited Edition's pros and cons will make it a lot easier to make a choice on whether or not to remain with the Limited Edition, as the package stands. At this point I'm pretty set on downgrading to the Standard Edition, however I will wait until about 3 days prior to the release to actually downgrade if I choose to do so. Waiting the extra 2 weeks I'm sure 343 will definitely shed more light on the status of the Limited Edition, but they have already gone into mass production so I don't really think much can be changed at this stage... We'll see.
IGN Halo 4 unboxing.
Now we know EXACTLY what comes with it.
Wow, now it's official... Limited Edition SUCKS!!!! Seriously.