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Everything posted by Vendetta

  1. That is interesting, i like it, i will definatly listen to it once u finish it, just pm me. So far no downsides, exept i think you looped the music. but apart from that GREAT WORK. i'll give you a like!
  2. I prefer having the DMR as my gun, it is a better sniping weapon and great with head-shots. Pretty much a magnum with 3x zoom. (I love magnums)
  3. What do you guys think about the new ordnance system implemented into multiplayer? pros and cons, and why they are. I was just wondering, i can't recall who, but the person who thought of the ordnance system said that people with less skill and knowledge of maps, won't know where all the good weapons are, but what confuses me is if someone has less skill to get the gun, they need at least 5 kills to get it anyway, so whats the point? Not to say it's a bad idea. I actually prefer it
  4. Amazing find! I doubt the human will tag along for the campaign, although maybe a piece of a mission where you will have to bring him to infinity. Maybe he is just a marine that somehow survived falling of the infinity, i dunno, and has just been living rough. We will find out soon.
  5. I doubt that. MC tried to kill arbiter a few times. And may i mention that in the first 5 mins of Halo 3 MC had a magnum jutting into Arbiters jaw? Personally i wouldn't want to be friends. but who knows?
  6. lol i agree i think keeping the needle rifle
  7. Thats sad. People shouldn't have it early, i hope they get arrested for this. I mean, what if they show the end of halo 4 campaign on youtube? NOOOOOOO! They shouldn't be allowed to own this. i would pay $20 for them to get rid of it right now. no joke.
  8. Vendetta

    Fan Art

    I love this drawing! I think a book OR a show would be equally interesting. I want to see if there is a type of brute "Arbiter" or just a bunch of brute chieftains. We can only wait and hope.
  9. Reach: i use sprint because it is much easier to get around and you don't have to rely on vehicles In halo 4 i will probably use thruster pack and get the mod to make it last longer!
  10. No idea, sorry man i can't help you. I don't even have live. Hopefully there will be though.
  11. Maybe in multiplayer, it is pretty much a newer and better version of the elephant it is called THE MAMMOTH epic.
  12. How i started out? Back when i was about 7 years old, and i got Halo: CE for p.c., and i fell in love with it. I knew that this would be my favourite game from then on out. As we got older we got a ps2 and later we got an x-box, and had all our friends over for a good game of halo. Then we bought halo 2, With boost and boarding it was the new attraction. Using blood gulch of course! we finally got an x-box 360, then Halo 3, and soon Halo: Reach The only games i own are halo, and probably the only games i ever will own. I have every halo, even ODST, even though i don't like it. HALO FAN FOREVER!!!!!!
  13. This is the place for stuff about 343! not halo! GO DOWN MORE
  14. Halo 1s' Blood Gulch, it has been my favorite map since the first time i played halo, in fact, it still is, pitty it's not in reach. (yes i do know they have one LIKE blood gulch in reach, but i want one almost EXACTLY THE SAME) Halo 3s sand trap, with more hiding places
  15. Part of the covenant broke off after the prophet of truth died and the war stopped. This new faction is called "Storm" and they are set on finding an artefact on the shield world. So some elites stay loyal to the humans, others vow to destroy them. This goes with all the other species too. Hope this helps!
  16. Vendetta


    Probably just a double-up of Master Chief, i HIGHLY doubt there will be a spartan IV or the arbiter. What would be funny, if 343 made a life size version of Cortana, for second player!
  17. Great work! This is one of my top favorite halo songs!
  18. If you guys got to be anything in halo, what would you be and why? You would have to do what they did, for example: If you chose Master Chief you would have to be a hero and kill the covenant Just a note: This does not restrict you to characters, for example, you could be a Promthean crawler or a Sniper jackal
  19. From what i've seen, the AR can kill 2 people with all the bullets on the target, but i guess since that won't probably happen, then 1 kill each clip.
  20. Nice Job Man! Gotta be the best one ever! I know what my wallpaper is know! once again, GOOD JOB!
  21. What i don't get is since MC is Spartan II, then how can he sprint without overheating? Please! If anyone has the answer to this it would be appreciated! My favourite bit would be CAMPAIGN and what the hell happens to MC

  23. I like it, it looks like something with a team of 5-6 just driving around the whole map killing everyone. 2 machine gunners, 1 sniper 2 Heavy Hell yeah! TOTAL DESTRUCTION!
  24. Vendetta

    The SAW

    It looks too much like COD dude
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