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Everything posted by MilitaryMarine

  1. Assault Rifle: The old school weapon makes another appearance in Halo Reach yet again, it is a effective weapon at close range not so good for long range, if your into Close Quarters Combat then this weapon should be in your list of choice, but there are some disadvantages with this choice of weapon it lacks overall accuracy, particularly in long bursts makes it difficult well in multi-player. With this weapon at short ranges you can use it to pepper opponents as if the Assault Rifle was a rapid-fire Shotgun (Reminds me of the Modern day Franchi SPAS12 lol) at mid-range however, good weapon control is paramount. If you don't fire in controlled bursts you won't hit a thing. Designated Marksman Rifle: Also known as the Battle Rifle the DMR is a mid-long range weapon also built with accuracy. The DMR absolutely begins its user to aim for the head, and it has the accuracy to make head shots across length of many multi-player maps. Because the DMR requires so heavily on accuracy, it's usefulness will depend on your weapon control it all comes down to how effective you are with the weapon and how you can control each burst, non controllable bursts means you will most likely miss the opponent's head or wherever you decide to shoot at first. If you have the accuracy to score head shots frequently you'll be able to you'll be able to take down opponents in seconds. It's a bad idea to use this weapon in Close Quarter Combat so be careful if you ever enter a building and you have a better short-range weapon like the Assault Rifle switch to that. Grenade Launcher: The Grenade Launcher is a heavy-duty explosive weapon that can do a lot of damage but is can be tricky to use. When you fire you need to keep the trigger down. Release the trigger when the grenade is next to your target and BOOM! They're dead. The Grenade Launcher is great for taking out opponents in cover because you can aim past the enemy's position and then release the trigger so that the grenade explodes as it zooms by the wall the opponent is hiding behind. It is tricky to use in Close Quarter Combat with hurting yourself, however. (Will be updated)
  2. Don't know what to say really? I'm a fun gamer I play to have fun and I'm a friendly outgoing person.
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