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Cryphakon's Achievements

Elite Honor Guard

Elite Honor Guard (8/19)



  1. Go read other similar threads, you are wrong about hackers.
  2. Easy = Kill me now Normal = I'm bored Heroic = Easy Legendary = Normal LASO = Challenge
  3. The dedicated servers setup the matches they don't host them. The resources required for that is far to big to be economical
  4. Your router isn't going to wear out from turning it off and on again. The physical button/switch might (100k uses) but the components won't
  5. The warthog was originally going to be a hummer Halo CE was originally an RTS
  6. Dedicated servers all around the world? Are you crazy? That would take forever to redo the client side, setting up the back end would also take years. Not only that but more players end up being in a match with P2P, just select the option for bettter connection
  7. Predecessor don't you mean successor?
  8. As per my signature I do know, it isn't just you but others have said that H3 is older than 5.
  9. It is easy to dodge and then take from behind, works every time
  10. Firefight achievements toke a couple of tries SO will be too easy
  11. Reach legendary was too easy so legendary
  12. Nobody copies, they only improve upon. Apple never really invented anything, they just made it user friendly and advertised it as being magical and revolutionary.
  13. You poor guys need to play it on PC so much more stuff on there.
  14. 2012-2007=5, you clearly never passed a college maths exams let alone a simple test in primary school
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