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Everything posted by Rizotic

  1. Rizotic


    2v2 and 4v4 msg or add Rizotic
  2. yeah i never said the animations are bad, i think they look awesome, i just never use them... ..unless by accident, then i die...
  3. eh, i dont like it.. just my view though someone could still run up on you and assasinate you and it doesnt help with accidental assasinations
  4. no you got it wrong.. simply tapping the melee button will still do the normal "backsmack" without the animation, but holding it down "like in reach" will start the animation... the only thing im suggesting is to do the animation, instead of holding it down for a little longer than tapping it, you have to hold it down for as long as you want the animation to take, this way it is stoppable half way through or whenever... also prevents accidental animations..
  5. simple sulution... dont played the ranked playlist.. its already confirmed there are playlists that utilized the same exp ranking system that was in reach, so there you get what you want... but competitive players should get what they want as well.. a seperate playlist that utilizes and actual skill lvl ranking system, just to be clear on what i just said, there should be two playlist, social and ranked like in h3... if you dont want to play ranked and earn a "skill" lvl then stick to social and rank up that way, its two completley different things.. i just think its ignorant for someone that doesnt care for skill ranks to think it shouldnt be in the game cause they dont care for it... a lot of people probably agree with me
  6. alright so we know that the assasination sometimes require a pretty lenghty animation, the only problem is while you are performing the animation and you start getting shot in the back its like "oh great im dead" but you think if master chief started getting shot when assasinating someone he would continues to do it? maybe maybe not... my idea is to make it where you have to hold the melee button down to do the animation and at any point you want the animation to end you simply let go of the melee button, i think this could do wonders for matchmaking and more people wouldnt be afraid to do an animation knowing they could stop it if they start getting shot.. not to mention how often i "accidentally" assasinate someone without meaning to, my idea would also solve that as well... just an idea would be cool if 343 did something like that, what do you all think?
  7. there shouldnt be... but there is master chief doesnt get hurt from falls, hes boss like that
  8. the only thing i dont like here is the ability to lose your rank simply by taking time off or not playing which is discouraging or not being able to rank up even from winning alot because you just havent played as much as the top 5 percent have even though you could go toe to toe.. i do however really want the old h3 or even h2 ranking system back where like the last 6 lvls you get actual symbols instead of numbers and it was really hard to get to a high level.. i really like h3 too i just think there should always be a lvl system implemented in halo.. is damn halo for cryin out loud.. in halo reach there are too many games where i am the only person on my team to go positive, in playlist that are clearly for competitive gamers like mlg playlist... its like i am lvl 50 getting lvl 30s on my team and that **** would never happin in h2 or h3 it just sucks knowing it would be alot more fun if you actually got same calibur players as you on your team every time..
  9. uhh i dont know where you got this info but i usually stay up to date with all the correct info and from what i have heard so far is taht the lvl 1-50 is not at all like h3 but rather like reach where you just simply play to gain experience to lvl up, which is a shame cause i had high hopes for an actual "skill" based lvl system... hopefully there will be one, if not then that seriously sucks.. that is not a "skill" based ranking system.. if it were related to "skill" then you would be able to lose your lvl if you perform badly like in h2 AND h3, thus keeping you on your game the entire match and trying your hardest not to lose... i really hope this is not the only system implemented in this game as it would be a real let down.
  10. they need a skill based ranking system in this game.. and not the supposed one thats is in reach cause that **** dont work, at all... its like i can play that game and perform at a lvl 50 and i get 30s on my team.. this would never happen in h3 match making which is why i though matchmaking in h3 was a good solid experience, unlike reach where i can only play 5 games before getting bored and getting off.. just my two cents, but if there is no skill system that is comparable to h3 or h2 then h4s matchmaking will be like reach and the population will dwindle 6months to a year after its release.. dont get me wrong though i still cant wait for it to come out.
  11. sounds good yet all of it will be a fail if they do not have a good "true skill" system in place cause the one in reach dont work for crap.. h3 worked the best imo matchmaking was a solid experience in that game skill vs skill wise
  12. sorry for those of you that actually like halo reach but that "true skill" system blows why is it that i just got on reach for the first time in two weeks and played 5 games and was the ONLY person on my team to go positive in any of those games? and i won 4 out of those 5 games because of me! its like im a lvl 50 getting lvl 30s on my team.. this would never happen in halo 3s match making, i was playin mlg playlist btw i hope halo 4 has a better "true skill" system than the one thats implemented into reach cause that dont work at all.. i had to get off after 5 games due to boredom
  13. if this game doesnt have a skill level based ranking system like halo 2 and halo 3 the population will die out in 6 months to a year like it did in reach
  14. agreed they need to bring back 1-50 style ranking system... dont worry you are right and are just being trolled by casual gamers that got stuck at major grade3 in h3 and they dont wanna get stuck in this game.... that being said.. all these casual gamers that "dont care about rank" and all these competitive players that do "care about rank" why would you not put it in.. its a win win... casual players dont care and real players do so wtf why would it not be in there????
  15. Rizotic

    Health bar?

    health bars were a joke... reach was a joke... its much better this way going back to waythings were in h3
  16. I really hope this is not going to be in a competitive playlist... it cant be if you ask me... they already stated that if a player quits there is a much more severe penalty for quiting such as losing your rank... so my question is why would you make people able to join in progress when someone could join a game where it is practically over and the other team is about to win so the player that just joined either has the option to take a loss on his record (keep in mind this is halo, people care about their win loss record) or that person can quit and be severly punished for something that wasnt his fault... in my opinion this join in progress should at the very least not be implemented into competitive play... i understand im probly gonna get trolled by casual gamers and my response to them is to stay out of competitive play... your thoughts? i wanted to make it so people could vote yes or no but im new to this forum and cant figure it out oh well..
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