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Posts posted by Jay_Magnus

  1. Negative opinions suck. Keep them to yourself if they're derogatory.

    LOL what? I paid for the game, I can say whatever I want. I can speak if it's praise, but not if I'm expressing flaws? I didn't know the forums were oppressive.


    If all of you enjoy trying to break setups in Adrift against players with Sticky Detonators and Regen fields more power to you.


    Random ordnance is amazing sometimes. Oh there's 3 dudes over there huddling together with DMR's, oH I know let's spawn a Binary Rifle near closed ramp where they all are! And Personal Ordnance is amazing also. Let's give this guy a Beam Rifle in his ordnance and screw this guy with a Needler! Face it, knowing the Sniper Rifle spawns in 3 minutes over there is an incentive for teams to move around and battle it out. It's just not the same without it. It's too easy to get a lead and play serious defense because you don't have to fear the other team grabbing that Rocket Launcher at X spot in a little bit.

  2. I think you're just playing with the wrong people. In my experience, the matches are much quicker and more explosive than in any other Halo game. Part of this is due to the respawn time, and part of it is the way that the maps are designed. I love slayer in this game more than in any other Halo.

    Yahuh, there are faster killtimes mate, and it does counteract the new defensive abilities. Very few maps feature significant camping and of those that do, there's a good deal of ballance in that none of the power weapons spawn where they are. As to pv, I doubt you've noticed the user becomes visible on the radar, since your argument was along the lines of... 'well if both teams have pv and know where eachother are, then it's pointless'. One, that was never the point since of course it means they know where you are regardless of whether they're using PV; two, promethean vision limits the benefits of camping and that was the point; three, you can always use a hologram to distract them; four, get a grenade perk so you can create some sort of buffer room before you go in; five, wait, don't suicide, pickup a rocket when it spawns and just blow **** up.

    1- Faster killtimes when the BR is a 5sk instead of 4? The AR kills faster yes, and shotguns and snipers and the other power weapons kill the same, but the main precision weapons are 5sk, and with everybody having sprint, plus things like shield and thruster, escaping death is easy, and that happens often.

    2- I never said PV was pointless, but If 2 users with PV engage each other, they both stop to see who reacts first.

    3- The maps are similar to Reach's, defensive setups are extremely strong. It's not about the odd camper with scattershot in the corner, since I use PV, it's just defense in general is very strong in this game, with maps like Abandon and Adrift. Haven is the map that where action flows the most.

    4- It's not that I'm having trouble with the game, I do very well actually.

    5-I just think it's you guys that haven't played matchmaking enough and haven't started to get matched up with higher ranks. Give it time, wait until you start getting matched against really good teams, you'll see what I mean.

  3. I think you're just having difficulty prioritizing loadouts per the map you're in. A lot of camping is easily countered by PV and a few grenades w/boltshot. It's also a lot more offensive than it was before, and a lot more fast paced due to the fast killtimes. Sprint for instance isn't op in this game.

    I've been playing the matchmaking constantly since release, and no, loadouts are not my problem. And once again no, it's not more offensive and the killtimes are not faster. In fact, there's even more ways to escape death in this game. And PV doesn't really counter much, especially if players with PV fight other players with PV, it becomes a standstill.

  4. I am very disappointed with Halo 4's Slayer, it's not fun at all. The matches just don't flow well and it's so slow, defense is too much of a focus in this game. There's little incentive to move around, and instead of the games being about which team shoots better, it's more about which team can be the cheapest. The maps definitely don't help the cause either.

    • Like 1
  5. Finally, my favorite day of the year has arrived, a day where I can stuff my face with food and drink until I pass out, but it's not all beer and skittles, it's also a day for reflection. We've all complained about a million things at this point in our lives, when truth be told our situation is not nearly as bad as we make it out to be. Even those of us who are broke (like me) still have a family, shelter, food, and Halo of course. All these things we take for granted day after day.


    How many times have you thought your family is just unbearable? That your mother's cooking is lackluster? That your car is not flashy enough? Well guess what, there are millions of less fortunate people in the world that have nothing, that would kill to be in your shoes.


    It's not bad to want more, it's human nature, but remember to be grateful for everything you have already. And if there's anything you can do to help the less fortunate, please do, not because you want to score brownie points with the karma system, but because you genuinely want the world to be a better place, and it can definitely use some work.


    Thank you for taking the time to read my message, and I hope all of you have a wonderful day alongside your families and loved ones. Oh, and don't forget to wear comfortable, loose fitting pants. We don't want pants buttons to fly off everywhere.

    • Like 2
  6. Grenadier- 3 Grenades and more radius, for those who like to move around maps like siamese twins hehe.


    BR -Good for clean ups




    Frag- The centerpiece of the loadout. With Explosives they become even more of a problem.


    Promethean Vision


    Grenadier- Resupply barely works for me, and I hate having to walk over every corpse. I rather just spawn with an extra one and pick up more form the map later.


    Explosives- Turns those frags into nukes.


    I've always hated when a team huddles up so closely together, so that's my answer. Oh you're all sticking together in that hallway in Adrift, well BOOM!

  7. I was really excited for Halo 4's maps, but in all honesty, I think they are just slightly better than Reach's. There's also too few. Some maps play better in Objective, like Adrift, which I hate for Slayer but love for CTF, but overall I think they're underwhelming. I think 343 should try to get on people's good side and release a free map here and there, or start implementing Forge maps like Reach did.

  8. If you just run in a straight line shooting an AR at somebody starting from a long distance, of course you'll get owned, but if you use the map correctly and rush your opponents correctly, you can get a lot of kills with the automatic weapons.


    About precision weapons, they can't make them kill slower. That just means more and more people will escape fights over and over again. I miss having a 4 shot precision weapon.

  9. It is funny when people complain about getting killed by someone that has figured out how to use a specific weapon.


    Let us put it this way, i am boss with a DMR, apart from power weapons, it is all i use. I got killed a few times with the Boltshot, i thought holy crap i need to give this a shot. I used the Boltshot for a day with next to no success, maybe a couple kills.


    Moral of the story is, i am a good player at mid to long range. Put me close range and i am quite garbage, so i play within my strengths. Somebody else might be garbage at mid range and beyond, and need weapons cos they dominate at close range. If the Boltshot is OP at close range, well then the DMR is OP at midrange, and the Sniper is OP at long range and you should take them all out of the game.


    People aren't complaining because it's op at close range, it's because it's op at close range and it's a secondary weapon. The sniper is op at long and it's fine cause it's a power weapon, the shotgun is op at close range, but it's also a power weapon. The boltshot is op at close range and it's a secondary pistol, which is actually pretty odd. To be honest, it doesn't bother me much because I'm a midrange guy most of the time, but I can see where players are coming from. Keep in mind the Assault Rifle users, who depend on getting close to their enemies, they have to deal with the possibility that any given player has a shotgun type weapon on them.

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  10. I've read posts by a lot of people talking about 4sk with the DMR and the BR if all shots are to the head. Is this actually true? I find that, even if it is, I think aiming for the head all the time is bad, and that it's better to shoot the enemy in the body until the shields pop first, and then go for the headshot, since the torso is a larger target. However, I want to know if 4sk to the head is a fact, or just a misconception

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