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Everything posted by Jay_Magnus

  1. Halo Anniversary gamerscore doesn't count?
  2. At least it has replay value.
  3. I'm not a fan of the Brute Shot in Halo 3 or the Concussion Rifle, so I'm not excited for it. I would have rather seen the Grenade Launcher.
  4. I'm leaning towards Carbine now, since I enjoyed the Needle Rifle. Zero Bloom Needle Rifle is fun.
  5. Cortana getting a physical body and Chief getting some much deserved R&R a la Fifth Element, hehehe.
  6. Why are Ritz crackers so freaking good???

    1. LordReaper


      Throw some cheese on that cracker boy lmao then u talk about YUM!

    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i know right, they are the bomb

    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Add Cream Cheese and BAM!

  7. I haven't accepted the Reach invites because I don't have Reach at the moment, but when Halo 4 is out definitely invite me.
  8. Yeah, I was thinking that also. If Guy Pierce is playing Osbourne I will geek out like a little fanboy. *Edit* NVM, it's just War Machine, *cries*.
  9. So beautiful :'(. I love how the game looks and sounds.
  10. Oh snap Guy Pierce is in it! And yes, The Mandarin is confirmed, played by Ben Kingsley, who is an amazing actor, although he doesn't even remotely look Chinese....
  11. That surprises me a little , it definitely doesn't look duller than Boardwalk and Sword Base. I'm sure you'll at least enjoy it somewhat in two weeks . I'm not terribly excited about Ragnarok, that definitely wouldn't have been my choice for a Halo 3 map. At least now there's DMRs, I hate long range BR battles.
  12. I'm interested in a clan...and I have Halo 3....I wanna play too...
  13. At first I saw the dpad and was like, OMG I want one! Then I saw the price tag! http://www.majorleaguegaming.com/promos/new-madcatz-mlg-controllers-and-fightsticks-debuting-in-raleigh
  14. I would love to shoot a dragon with a DMR. SOMEONE MAKE IT HAPPEN,
  15. I'm 23. Man I feel old... My GT is : Whootie Lover.
  16. This one's tough to rationalize. Fall damage is realistic yes, but then again, they are wearing the equivalent of a hybrid car as armor.
  17. Welcome to the forums. I'm fighting game player too, or well I used to be. Haven't played one since SF4:AE.
  18. I really hope they end up being on par, even if it takes some time. I'd be really disappointed if there ends up being one gun to rule them all. Why bother designing and adding more options if most of them are not gonna be viable?
  19. I hate when action games have too many quick time events, lazy game design. It's Resident Evil not Heavy Rain!
  20. Someone invent an anti-procrastination pill please!

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      yes, and you need someone else to give it to you so you dont procrastinate when you have to get it

    2. Jay_Magnus
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