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Everything posted by Biddle87

  1. Agree with the original poster. I am glad that it's different from other games in the series. Case and point is the other big shooter dropping soon. They churn out same stuff again and again with a few tweeks and charge full whack for what is ultimately a multiplayer map pack and revamped story.
  2. I don't recall the level name but I loved a level from Halo 1. It was basically two 3 or 4 floored structures facing each other with a few bridges/teleports linking the two sides. In the middle was a void Thayer would lead to you falling to your death. Me and friends used to spend hours where two would start on one side and the other two on the other. It was then a sniper match. Simple but good fun.
  3. One thing that is apparent is there is the potential for players to look significantly differnet to others in theor game as opposed to previous games where everyone looks similar.
  4. Excellent News. I was hoping that this was the case but had a feeling they may have locked certain armours to certain specializtions as a way of making sure people use said specializations and in turn help balance teams.
  5. I agree from what I've seen they all have too much going on. But I very rarely wore all of one armour style in previous games. Hopefully we can make the armour less busy looking by doing this.
  6. I have used the search function prior to making this post, but couldnt find an answer. I have read that when rankng up specializations, that you unlock armour as you go along. Do we know if this armour will only be availible when using other specializations For example, if I unlock a cool helmet when playing as Wetworks, would I be able to have my Spartan wearing it if Iater change to Engineer or would I only be able to use it when playing as Wetworks? Any one shed any light on this for me? Cheers
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