iv always been a big halo fan for a long time since halo 2, halo is such a fun game and you have to know what ur doing in order to be good. the thing that i like about halo is the ranking system (halo 3 specifically and halo 2) halo 3 by far had the best ranking system in any halo game, im sure i speak for a lot of people on that statement. halo reach ranking system is bad, it it pretty much like call of duty even if u lose u rank up?? what is that? where is the skill in that? that is what halos known for is skill. halo 3s ranking system takes all amounts of skill if u lose u rank down and have to win accordingly to get back up. one thing that i wish they would of changed was the level locking, that was annoying. i dont understand how you change the ranking system, i dont think you guys r looking at the big picture of the community. i play halo 3 almost everyday still and ON AVERAGE there is still almost 20000 kids who play the game daily, if that many kids still play that game daily with the game being 5 years old people obvisouly like the game. when halo reach came out i didnt even BUY IT it sucked so bad. 343 complains about boosters, who cares let them boost, they know they arnt legit and they know that. why change the ranking system and ruin it for almost all of the community just becuase of a couple kids online boosting? are u kidding me? and the jetpack and all of the bloom. HELLO?!?!? nobody likes that, except for the kids who are bad at the game. keep the ranking system like halo 2 and 3 and stop with this "if u lose ull still get EXP" thats dumb.