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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Yeah I have the last one sussed out i actually only need 4 more now not including the last but iv been searching for about an hour now and cant find anything. Its confusing because im looking at a map online of them all and I dont know which ones iv got or haven't. Thanks alot mate (Y) ill be online.
  2. If anyone has any spare time to do co-op with me I just need to find 10 more. I have tried looking at the Audio Logs map on google but I always get lost around the streets. If your up for it my GT is ix Serenity. *Sorry just realised this is in the wrong section.
  3. I didn't pre order the game but iv reached Lt Colonel and have alot of credits. Do I need to purchase certain armors to unlock it? Because I haven't bought anything yet apart from black visor.
  4. Iv completed it myself on solo but want the plate there for show im fussy like that. Thanks man
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