Ok, so here is another of my crazy custom games, (Not sure if it's even possible to set up.)
It's an Oddball Gametype, where you can pass the ball, there is 1 person in the middle who chases after the ball, and tries to get it, the last person who threw it and the receiver didn't pick it up, that person is in the middle, The closest person to the ball when the person in the middle threw it would be it, that way the receiver won't intentionally pick it up to get the other person it, If it's near you, pick it up otherwise you're it. The Arena is going to be an Octagon shape so it'd be easier for everyone to have a corner and a relative space belonging to them. Not sure how this game type would be set up at all...
here are my ideas for how to set it up. The person in the middle has increased speed, and jump (Player trait zone maybe?) But I don't know how to set up a game type for it, It would have to be an honor code game like Zombies was in Halo 2, back in the good old days.
EDIT: Switched it around, Thanks guys for feedback, made this really late at night so didn't think it all the way through, but now it sounds fun!