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AnimeAddict last won the day on April 25 2013

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343 Guilty Spark

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Community Answers

  1. AnimeAddict


    Welcome to the forums if you ever need a signature we have an official art dept that does them or you could come to my signature shop and Enjoy you stay
  2. Please only keep this thread for Requests and Responses Please read the Original Post as I have made a few adjustments
  3. Here are two different dimensions the first is 500x200 and the second is the 600x300 ill let you choose which u wanna use if either
  4. to be honest there are very few people i would legitimately want to meet and those would be -Melody & Ash : you two are two of the reasons why i keep coming back to this site -Yang & Sparky honestly i dont know what i can say to sum up you two -Zelda and you ....well there is only one thing i can think of to say and that would be that i miss you alot
  5. ill have to change the dimensions then is that ok?
  6. Here is what i came up with for a first draft. What do you think?
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